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  1. M

    Liver and kidney health

    thats what I just posted?? wtf :)
  2. M

    i dont no...

    hahahhaha wtf? last time I said something like this I was on acid :)
  3. M

    Hey guys/Gals

    thanks yep, like I said it is hard to be on so many boards at once :)
  4. M

    i am really confused! help is appreciated.

    ^^^ agreed just go with your true feelings if you think you might of made a mistake fix it....
  5. M

    Liver and kidney health

    I checked and all I found was this that Tsing carries??
  6. M

    Money or Muscles?

    I spend A LOT of money on food to keep my muscles and my size. sometimes I would rather not spend all the money but you got to do what you got to do :)
  7. M

    Hey guys/Gals

    Thanks bro I will try and bring some of my vets from MM and BBA here as well. :)
  8. M

    Hey guys/Gals

    thanks, I am on like 20 boards and sometimes I forget to go around to all of them and contribute...
  9. M

    Hey guys/Gals

    Been gone from here for awhile and will try and stick around and help out and catch up.. :D
  10. M

    thoughts ?

    ^^^ I concur
  11. M

    Sorry guys and gals

    I figured you retired :)
  12. M

    Cost of gyno surgery

    I have seen post for about 1500 per side, but you get what you pay for IMO.
  13. M

    New PM feature on bba

    Hey guys just wanted to let you know we got the PM feature to work on BBA site. Thanks, feel free to check it out if you want to. link is in my sig. :)
  14. M

    Growth Hormone Manual

    great read
  15. M

    Scammed By superman1975 for $200

    Ya that sucks when a mod scams anyone....
  16. M

    Take care of your teeth

    yeah I brushed mny teeth but have soft enamel, so I have about 12,000 in my mouth so far worth of work. BUT I can break my crowns out to sell the gold for cash :)
  17. M

    Pumping Iron's Current Pic.

    ya, I would love to be in any ad, great job :)
  18. M


    sounds great bro, good job :)
  19. M

    can I get some help

    man these guys said it all already....I am to late :)