can I get some help


New member
A while bak i told everybody my friend was going bak 2 wwe to do some house shows or dark matches whatever you want to call them. but he's not going bak til the end of Sept. He's been using AS for about a 1 1/2 years. He's next cycle will be a leaning cycle he's only going to run
Test Prop. Week 1-8 100mg EOD
Winny Week 3-8 50mg-100mg

The problem is that the winny is IP pills and their 50mg each. Their a little small 2 be cutting in half. So I know this is going to sound crazy but here it goes, if he can't cut them in half and take 50mg ED, 25mg in the am and 25mg in the PM could he take 100mg EOD and take 50mg in the am and 50mg in the PM.

Thankz for the help:arcade:
get a pill cutter they can be cut in half Winny has a half life of 8-12 hours I think. 25mg in am and 25 in pm ED would yield better results.
I agree with bigdan, no matter how small a pill cutter will slice it like butter...With the 1/2 life of Winny it is a better way to go.
I would not do winny eod. too short of a half like. I would opt for the pill cutter. To be honest though, I take the 50mg pill once daily and like just like that.