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  1. Kevan


    Married 26 years... 46 years old this month... and sex is as good as it was when we were teenagers!!! I think personally it is all about communication! along with looking after yourselves physically and mentally... OH.. and over 40... no gut, still have hair, actually in better shape then I...
  2. Kevan

    Vitamine B12 VS B complex

    Has anyone use Vitamine B complex instead of B12. And if so what were your results like. I'm thinking of using the complex as it will help protect against some sides while coming off cycle. All feed back welcome
  3. Kevan

    Drinking Winny

    Funny thing about winny, NO where have i read that you can drink the injectable winny and get the same results as injecting it....EXCEPT on the boards!!! Why is it when ever you look up winny and read the stats on the stuff, it NEVER says anything about drinking the suff?? I'm very curious...
  4. Kevan

    A new look into doing Sustanon250 by basskiller

    I agree I think that every 3 days works well and is often enough due to the prop in the sust. No need to shoot every day.
  5. Kevan

    salvage cycle

    any other opinions
  6. Kevan

    salvage cycle

    I've taken my second shot today from the new bottle so in a week or so the deca dick will be gone, i'm more concerned about taking the anadrol and keeping some of the gians from it.
  7. Kevan

    salvage cycle

    Started a cycle of 350mg sust and 200mg deca with shots every 3 days. Ended up the sust must have been a bad bottle, supplier has since given me another bottle to replace it. Now, i'm suffering from Deca dick i'm 4 weeks in and i'd like to salvage this cycle. What i'm wanting to do is 21 days...
  8. Kevan

    What a Cry baby drama show Fitnessboard is!!

    Think there is quite a few of us that started out at FB, but it is a pretty sorry sight some days. What i like about this place is you don't find ppl with 3 post giving advise that they just read 10 mins ago on another post.
  9. Kevan

    25G needle?

    This is the way i do it too.. works nicely, draw with a larger needle and shoot with the 25g. warm the oil.
  10. Kevan


    Think this is canadian made in Ontario
  11. Kevan


    Deca and Sust I was wondering if any of you have used PVL products, specifically the Deca 300mg and Sust 350mg.. and if so how you liked it.
  12. Kevan

    A ? for you Dbol guys

    Re: Re: A ? for you Dbol guys a) Let um disolve. (why? I don't know. You don't need to. I just do.) b) Don't know how to explain what they taste like. c) They disolve quick, in a minute or so. :confused:
  13. Kevan

    What's everyones favourite hunger killer?

    i drink water.. lots of water ! and look at fat ugly chicks :)
  14. Kevan

    start them off young

    Ha.. thats good.. have to love it.. nice pic
  15. Kevan


    Funny shit.. but soo true !
  16. Kevan


    So did you figure out what to do with these peanut bricks LMAO
  17. Kevan

    Newbie that learned the hard way

    AT least you know better now.. and you can pass your knowledge on!
  18. Kevan

    MailboxkillR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I say to hell with it.. start another cycle any ways :)... j/k!
  19. Kevan


    OH i've tasted my share of pussy before !!
  20. Kevan

    this is nukcing futs

    maybe you need a better job !! Make some decent money :)