wow - if you believe that I feel sorry for you & your partner - I gave my husband a hummer on the way to the movies Sat night - he still makes me wet -

if partners don't make the effort ... one of you will stray ... is it worth remembering why you got married to each other in the first place? or trying to make marriage #2, or #3, or ... work? when it probably ends up being the same reason you divorced the first one.

just something else to think about

sorry to misslead ya honey it was a joke I personaly have the most wonderful and "giving" girlfriend I could ask for and our sex life is well lets just say two nights ago I had to put the mattress back on the box spring as well as change the sheets "she let the flood gates open" so I have nothing to complain about

but the point was along with the thread that most women after marriage let there body and sex life go down the drain it is a sad thing but it is true
wow ... you aren't with the right femail ... our sex drive goes up & peaks around 40 ... so maybe the problem is in the guys area

plus - most of the married guys I see or overweight, bulging from areas that aren't suppose to bulge, losing hair, and also don't care. And they don't even go thru pregnancy.

remember - it bad appearance goes both ways
Married 26 years... 46 years old this month... and sex is as good as it was when we were teenagers!!! I think personally it is all about communication! along with looking after yourselves physically and mentally... OH.. and over 40... no gut, still have hair, actually in better shape then I have ever been in.
go Kevan!! ditto for my husband - we have 3 kids - 20, 18 & 9 - we are both in to BB and enjoy being together - the sex is definitely better since we are not trying to prove anything to anyone - just relax & enjoy.