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  1. GetnBigr

    Your Steak?

  2. GetnBigr

    stepping down as well

    To all, I am also stepping down as MOD here. Maybe when all this stuff gets straightened out this will be a great place once again. Until then, I will remain a member and continue to help where I can. best of luck to everyone, GB
  3. GetnBigr

    Lottery Results???

    i thought he was under home plate at Yankee stadium
  4. GetnBigr

    Welcome NikeGoddess...

    certainly glad to have you with us!!! welcome to MC
  5. GetnBigr

    The first good morning

    yeah, you beat me this time. don't get use to it
  6. GetnBigr

    Good Thursday Morning

    good morning everyone
  7. GetnBigr

    Your favorite cheat meal?

    I'm going to have some more cheat meals i guess it's not cheating when you're bulking though
  8. GetnBigr

    2-1/2 weeks to the Arnold

    I've never been either, and unfortunately will not be going this year either
  9. GetnBigr

    Do you get grief from your friends when your on a diet??

    I drive my wife crazy more so than anyone else
  10. GetnBigr


    how are you planning on running those items, hypothetically of course
  11. GetnBigr

    Blood work is back

    most people get a good tongue lashing from their
  12. GetnBigr

    Regaining motivation....

    are you back on track KR?
  13. GetnBigr

    BP check

    good post KR, as always
  14. GetnBigr

    Lottery Results???

    I believe you did sir
  15. GetnBigr

    Anyone used Life Re***** products ?

    I hear there is something else in the works
  16. GetnBigr

    Just messed up my truck.

    is your truck stepside by any chance? good to have you back bro!
  17. GetnBigr


    CSI has to be one of the best under to love The Dukes of Hazzard myself when I was a kid, my brother use to watch Kung Fu Theater, always played the Japanese/Chinese karate movies
  18. GetnBigr

    What was that show....

    never heard of it myself