

New member
I have test 400 from and eq 200. I also have plenty of d-bol 25 mg tabs. I can also get my hands on some insulin. I'm 5' 6" 200lbs. Any tips. Thanks guys.
Tell us a little more about yourself, like how many cycles you've done in the past three years, how old you are, how long you've been lifting, etc. You could probably take 50 mg of dbol a day for 6 weeks and eat your face off and put on 15-20 lbs. Of course you'd lose most of it when you come off. Tell us a little more and we'll give you some simple cycles. You've got all of my favorites on hand too, except I don't mess with slin.
Without knowing a little more about your cycle history all I can tell you is what I might try.
1-6 dbol 50mg/ed
1-16 test 600mg/week
1-16 eq 400mg/week
Without more information I can't really give you any other ideas.