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    Anyone had Lipo ?

    Ok so i have dieted and done cardio until it nearly kills me but i cant shift the last bit of fat from over the bottom two abs. Maybe i could go a bit further but i lose fat off my shoulders and chest etc at the same time and i dont want that. What do you think to Liposuction for that last bit...
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    tren making me hold water?

    Only if you're using with aromable aas. Tren on its own does not convert to Estrogen and therefor will not make you hold water. However, if you are using Tren with an aromable aas, the tren can increase the sides from the aromable one.
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    Strongest and the best anti estrogen

    Why do i never hear of people using Clomid as anti-E during cycle and only as part of PCT ?
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    Trenbolone & Strength increase

    Primobolan Depot. Managed to get hold of some real stuff for sure this time. Last batch i got was fake and whatever it was in there bloated me out big time.
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    Trenbolone & Strength increase

    Primo 400mg p/week and winny 50mg eod + Clen Benching 286lbs currently
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    Trenbolone & Strength increase

    Ok so i started using British Dragon Tren on monday at 75mg EOD as this is the first time of using Tren. How long before i notice a strength increase or more gains ? 1 week ? 2 weeks ?
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    Dry-cracked lips, dark piss and the flu from Tren

    Im using Tren now, have dry lips but thats it, no other sides. My wife wonders where the f*ck her lip gloss has gone......Everyones calling me Tootsie !
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    T3 Question??

    And you could add Tren ! mmmmm
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    Primo - alot of fakes

    Tren/Winny/Primo/clen/T3 for me. It's all going off !
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    Primo - alot of fakes

    I got real stuff on the way now to combine with My Tren and Winny so i'll be cool. Thanks.
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    T3 Question??

    With T3 you will need more AAS than 50mg winny eod. you'll lose too much muscle. go with some Test prop eod and winny ED.
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    Primo - alot of fakes

    can anyone else comment ? would it be better using EOD or two larger inj's a week ?
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    Primo - alot of fakes

    Thanks Strider ! top man.... i really had to know what i was putting in me. Should i keep shooting it in large doses like 200mg twice a week or would it work better EOD in 100mg doses. (or 50mg as you said it was)
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    Primo - alot of fakes

    Its fake guys. 100%, had it confirmed today. Thanks anyway.
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    Primo - alot of fakes

    Hey Proud, i posted those pics on another board and some guy thinks the Primo is fake. I had good results with the same stuff back in Jan/feb and had no problems with Gyno at all (something im quite prone to with Test & deca). I had no water retention at all some im quite certain these are...
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    Primo - alot of fakes

    I'll be using 1ml EOD like you said. Cant wait to get stuck into it....or ir stuck into me !
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    Primo - alot of fakes

    Never used the Trenabol before but when i hit week 4 i'll post something on what it does for me.
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    Primo - alot of fakes

    I hear that a lot of people are worried about getting fake primo when ordering because there are so many counterfeits out there. Wanted to post these pics i took so you can tell if yours is real. I can vouch for this 100% ---- Included the tren just as some eye candy LOL.
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    Low dosage T3

    im at the begining of a my cycle. Wanted to run T3 with th AAS for just 3 weeks to get some extra fat off. i usually get good results from Clen and cardio anyway. Just want to try the T3 now. 400MG Primo p/week 50mg winny EOD Tren 75mg EOD week 4-8
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    Low dosage T3

    thats a shame, i found a post on another site saying it could help growth. Never mind. Back to the hard work i guess.