tren making me hold water?


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i started using tren ed sat 1 week out. todays wed and i feel like might be holding a little more water. im still doing cardio 45 mins on the bike light pace. could tren make you hold water?
Only if you're using with aromable aas. Tren on its own does not convert to Estrogen and therefor will not make you hold water. However, if you are using Tren with an aromable aas, the tren can increase the sides from the aromable one.
DB006 said:
i started using tren ed sat 1 week out. todays wed and i feel like might be holding a little more water. im still doing cardio 45 mins on the bike light pace. could tren make you hold water?

you will not hold water from tren. you will from carbs though;) how is your carb intake?
it was 0 sun-mon-tues, today got about 45 grams of carbs from oatmeal and just got about 60 from white rice. will have chicken and same amount of rice before i do cardio. will do the same or less tomorrow.
DB006 said:
it was 0 sun-mon-tues, today got about 45 grams of carbs from oatmeal and just got about 60 from white rice. will have chicken and same amount of rice before i do cardio. will do the same or less tomorrow.

hmmm...what else you taking? (other compounds?)
40 mg winn ed, 50 mg masteron ed, 25 mcd t3 ed, eca. tomorrow i might really have to cut my food. probably like 100 g pro and 100 grams of carbs, 32 oz water, carbs will be from oatmeal and white rice. pro will be 60 from isopure and the rest from chix. is this smart? i hope to be like 182-3 fri morning. im like 185-6 right now.
DB006 said:
40 mg winn ed, 50 mg masteron ed, 25 mcd t3 ed, eca. tomorrow i might really have to cut my food. probably like 100 g pro and 100 grams of carbs, 32 oz water, carbs will be from oatmeal and white rice. pro will be 60 from isopure and the rest from chix. is this smart? i hope to be like 182-3 fri morning. im like 185-6 right now.

woah! that's alot of stuff!!!!!!

why not just up your cardio? at this point, there's not much worry of muscle demise you could just sweat those lbs off in water...