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  1. J

    my diet/transformation thread

    Citrucell is good. Comes in powder and pill form. Disolves easy, tastes good and no gas. :D
  2. J


    His oral stuff rocks!
  3. J

    good places for tunes

    WinMx, although the new version is nowhere near as good as the older version. I have downloaded Blubster, but can't get it to see through my firewall or the open ports are off.
  4. J

    Best workout CD

    Disturbed Rage Godsmack
  5. J

    From Bolex , Ironroom ........

    I guess since it is on the same server with the bolex board, admin took em both down for what ever "changes" he going to make. Oh, well. Thank goodness for musclechemistry! It's good to see some familiar faces here.
  6. J

    Bolex/Iron Room role call

    yeah... this might just be the new "home".
  7. J

    Effects of T3 on a bulking cycle?

    Let me ask you this... how do you know the T3 is working? Is it necessary to feel a rise in body temp for your metabolism to be properly boosted? I have been taking T3 at 50mg/day and feel nothing. I haven't noticed any other differences either. :confused: BTW.. Nice board. I guess I...