Can your girl get pregnant while you are on


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If my girl wanted to get pregnant and I was on could she. I have heard to lower the dose to around 200mg EW and then take clomid and she can get pregnant. Has anyone got there wife or girl pregnant while on.
yes she can but the percentage is real low when you are on.Just because you are shut down,there are still a few sperm cells present.all it takes is one :D
CCapel said:
You have to have sex...! But it can happen.
DO not think that juice is birthcontrol --- DADDY.

Yes it is in some countries. I have read about a few countires that use it as male birth control.
I will go ahead and tell the whole story. I have a friend that is all flipped out right now. He has been on juice for almost a year (He got a script for test therapy from the doc). He takes clomid every so often for some reason(the doc did not prescribe clomid). Well, his girl got pregnant. He was on clomid and 200mg EW of cyp when she got pregnant. They have been together for a long time and are going to get married, so he does not mind if she were to get pregnant. The thing is he thinks someone else got her pregnant. I know her and know she would not fuck around on him. He just thinks there is no way he could have gotten her pregnant. I know he did. He is just all flipped out now thinking someone else did it.
It's definitely possible, but pretty tough. Also I read an article on the quantity and quality of sperm when AAS are used at various levels. At low levels, your production is suppressed, but not totally. At higher levels, your sperm counts are so low that it's next to impossible to conceive. The article did note that in all cases that quantity of sperm were lower and the overall quality of sperm were low too. That means you have a higher likelihood of other issues down the road. It didn't go into what the "other issues" were though. If you friend does't know, have him ask her straight out.
i know i'd be careful bout it on some shit like taking proscar for DHT if your girl was to get pregnant the baby will most likely have problems. . .
LaMastaKilla said:
i know i'd be careful bout it on some shit like taking proscar for DHT if your girl was to get pregnant the baby will most likely have problems. . .

but it'll prob have a nice head of hair