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  1. diggi

    - resurrection - new begining!

    - resurrection - new begining! Ok fellas. It's time for me to begin again where I started. I really lost great deal of size over 2 months. I had shitload of personal life problems etc, I really lost my motivation for the gym and eating habits. But I'm getting that same wanting and desire to...
  2. diggi

    - boys and girls I need your support -

    Keep this bumped!!
  3. diggi

    - boys and girls I need your support -

    Thanks alot..guys...I really appreciate it al !!
  4. diggi

    - boys and girls I need your support -

    Hey, how's everyone doing ?? I really need your help on this one. Its mostly what you think and your opinion. You always have given me good advices, so I need one more tho. My question is : 1.) If two people love eachother very,very much and want to be together as a couple and get married...
  5. diggi

    my share of relational problems

    any news.. cyberstefke ??
  6. diggi

    my share of relational problems

    cyberstefke, bro I'm in the same boat as you are in, right now. Except, me and my gf keep breaking up every day (LMAO) and then we can't be without eachother. I think, in a relationship when you fight or if you fight it means a good thing... at least for me. If you really love her, with all...
  7. diggi

    Anyone used this drug before ?

    It's called Horny Goat Weed.. ? Its supposed to work like Cialis and Viagra ?
  8. diggi

    diggi needs your help

    hey fellas hows goin..I havent been around much lately due to some personal problems and I was busy too. I want to ask you a question regarding women usage of AS. How safe they are for women...see my girlfriend.. she's like 5'11, 139 ibs, and she wants to drop few pounds.. but I tell her no. She...
  9. diggi

    anyone here drives...?

    Acura Integra ?
  10. diggi

    Girl problems bro's

    good advice...this one goes for me 2
  11. diggi

    Girl problems bro's

    Ok - - babysiren, I think you didn't get to my point. I'm not just saying this because I'm having problems with my gf, or because viper is having problems with his girl. Its just, simple. Many adult males, lets say 95% will agree that they shouldn't trust females which are their gf's or wifes...
  12. diggi

    Girl problems bro's

    Viper bro, I'm going to tell you something that you shouldn't forget, ever .. ok ? I'm sorry if any females on this forum section will get mad but, DON'T TRUST A FEMALE. Period... I'm not going to lie to you, if you love her very much, and she doesn't give you the same needs, its going to be the...
  13. diggi

    "Need Help" - serious question -

    Ok, I ran my mouth too fast I think. I broke up with her, however she keeps calling me every 5 mins, crying on the phone and telling me she loves me, etc.. I am still thinking what to do. She really loves me, otherwide she wouldn't call at all. I will post her picture soon, she is so beautiful...
  14. diggi

    "Need Help" - serious question -

    Yes, I admit this is too much of bullshit. Mr456 you are totally right. I shouldn't post this question on this forum section, my mistake and I'm very sorry. I am just waisting board space. Again, I don't want to lose respect from many of you guys, don't get me wrong but I feel free to ask any...
  15. diggi

    "Need Help" - serious question -

    I'm not waisting your time, man. What you do is, you read the fucking thread then if you have anything to say you write your answer. Next time, open up your eyes and READ!!!
  16. diggi

    "Need Help" - serious question -

    I must admit something, I gotta laugh at this post above HAHAHH
  17. diggi

    "Need Help" - serious question -

    Hm..wait a sec. I think I got you wrong over there buddy...sorry :D. She is uncomfertable with her body type, but I keep telling her that she has something that every girl might want.. I will be posting a pic of her soon....
  18. diggi

    "Need Help" - serious question -

    I know what you mean, however you are wrong there. She can be a model at any victoria secret magazine or any modeling company. In fact, she's going to New York, this November, tryout for super/professional model. They selected her, now she has to compete. However, she has this issue with her...