"Need Help" - serious question -

rugby & Bstrong...good answers...finally...and yes it does belong in general...it also would be nice if someone would just let the individual know where to put there questions...instead of borderline flaming....

It wasn't borderline flaming.....IT WAS FLAMING! Sorry if I wasn't harsh enough. I just get sick of wading thru all the bullshit posts to find one with good content. I am sure the some of the Mods feel the same , if they don't then they got alot more patience than me.
Yes, I admit this is too much of bullshit. Mr456 you are totally right. I shouldn't post this question on this forum section, my mistake and I'm very sorry. I am just waisting board space. Again, I don't want to lose respect from many of you guys, don't get me wrong but I feel free to ask any kind of questions here. You people are just different from people that I know in real life, at least I assume that. A little update on me and my girlfriend for the last time. Finaly, I realised that this girl is unable to give me what I want, and what I was looking for. I am older than her, and I wanted a serious relationship, we had many talks about getting married and stuff, but it just didn't work out. She says, she loves me, she cries to me, and everything but I always come the last one. She likes to spend more time with her friends than me. I gave up everything for this girl, half of my life and heart I gave it to her, and I didn't even get her attention. So it brings me to this. THERE IS NO LOVE, period. In your lifetime, you'll learn what life really is, and even when you die you won't have enough knowledge. We had some good times together, but most of them were bad. I have tatto on my left side of my chest ( where heart is ). Its a blue rose, going through red heart and inside the heart I wrote her name. At least that can give me some great memories of her. For me, I don't think female exist anymore. I'll just continue with my training, and my music career. Noone is worth anyone. Everything is a lie, except death -- remember that. One more time, sorry for getting some of you guys mad. This will be my last post about me and my gf.
Wow....what did I miss?? This thread was in AB section first? First off...how old are you and her? She sounds like she has some serious issues...I don't know anything about either one of you...so I'm not going to judge, but if she feels like she has to smoke weed to get to sleep with you...I'm sorry but she's messed up... You seem like you know what you want from a relationship...and she obviously isn't ready for a serious relationship...I think you need to just concentrate on yourself right now, and don't worry or bother with her. One question....How long were you with her? I'm not trying to tell you how you should feel, but I personally think you shouldn't base this one relationship on that there is no love out there.. I'm sure you will find someone who is right for you, and who wants equally what you want..
The initial post has to be the longest single sentence in the world.

I just wanted to point that out.
Ok, I ran my mouth too fast I think. I broke up with her, however she keeps calling me every 5 mins, crying on the phone and telling me she loves me, etc.. I am still thinking what to do. She really loves me, otherwide she wouldn't call at all. I will post her picture soon, she is so beautiful and has the personality that I want. But some things bother me from her side.
Ok....It's all up to you, what you want to do with her...but why post all that on here in the first place? Good luck with whatever you do..
Wake up dude--- if it wasn't working before, it isn't going to work now...... do yourself a favor and move on.

don't trap yourself in misery just because she's got a pretty face!!
beauty is only skin deep, I know you've heard that before.

bottom line here, move on. Trust me on this one.