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  1. F

    bored? read some jokes then.

    FATHER ANd SON This guy was taking his son on a roadtrip...and the man pulls out a bottle of beer. The son looking so amazed goes "Dad can i have one?" The man replies "Can your dick touch ur ass?" the son says "No" the dad replies "Then your not old enough" A few miles later the dad pulls...
  2. F

    How many people here smoke weed!!!!!

    Anyone else think getting ass high feels amazing?
  3. F

    Any AS that speed up balding less that others?

    Do you need a prescription for a DHT blocker?
  4. F

    Any AS that speed up balding less that others?

    From research I have found, I am interested in Deca, Anadur, Norandren, Androstanolone, because of their moderate gain's, ability to keep them, and low probability of side effects. Possibly testerona 25, 50 too. Since these have lighter side effects compared to..........?anadrol, then they...
  5. F

    Is there an easy way to know if you are genetically predispositioned to go bald?

    Thanks bro's. I'm not balding yet, just worried that AS might speed it up if it's hereditary.
  6. F

    MP3 Players

    I have a Rio too. Rio is one of the top brands I think, and I would defianately recommend getting one.
  7. F

    Is there an easy way to know if you are genetically predispositioned to go bald?

    I've been told if your mom's dad is bald, then you have the gene. Is that true?
  8. F


    I've been really good about not drinking for a while now, but the weekends are just not the same. I have tried kava before, but it was bought from Albertsons. That was a complete waste of time and money, and lasted (very weak) for less that 10 minutes after we stopped drinking it. So this...
  9. F

    Playstation 2

    PS2 is pretty badass, but When Halo 2 comes out for X-box.......enough said.
  10. F

    ideas for another tattoo

    Where do you want it?
  11. F

    Let's get ready to Rumble !!!!

    Choke, When do Tito and Chuck fight????
  12. F


    Bump, nice posts.
  13. F

    Tonights Simpsons

    I thought it sucked. Especially when she started "raging".
  14. F

    Who actually likes this?

  15. F

    Ted Bundy

    Now I'm kind of curious. Did you rent it or was it on T.V.?
  16. F

    Who can call themselves a body builder?

    I have to go more with CJ on this one. BB's follow a strict diet and lifting regement, going to the gym doesn't cover half the work that actual BB's put forward.
  17. F

    is this girl hitting on me...?

    Is she hot? Defianately take her up on her offer! At worst she is just a flirt who wants a "friend" while her mans away, and at best, she is all yours. But if something happens, expect to be meeting the boyfriend.
  18. F

    they caught the snipers

    It's about time. It's gotta be pretty sh1tty living down where people where getting shot, and not knowing if you were going to get killed while filling up your car or something.
  19. F

    Blonde Chick with Nice Pussy!

    ha ha, I should've known.
  20. F

    your remarks for the Models Forum

    Maybe you could switch it up and keep everyone happy. (naked one month, then a swimsuit next month, then some more naked.)