is this girl hitting on me...?


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Is this girl hitting on me or what? (post #1)

This girl that i know in grad school has a boyfreind (rarely ever mentions him...they have "problems" is what she told me)

has now told me on at least three different occasions that "you know you have a great body"., "you have an amazing body" blah blah.

then she asks me if ...I'm going to bars on friday and if ill buy her a drink.

normally i would assume yes, but she does have a bf...though he is 1,000 miles away and will be for at least a few years.

what your .02?
Is she hot? Defianately take her up on her offer! At worst she is just a flirt who wants a "friend" while her mans away, and at best, she is all yours. But if something happens, expect to be meeting the boyfriend.
Hmmm...with a reaction like that towards you, yeah, I would have to think she is hitting on you. You just need to decide if you want to respond back to her, knowing she has a boyfriend..Maybe she just wants a fling while her bf is away, or maybe she really likes you, but who knows..Guess there is only one way for you to find out...:)
yes she is flirting with you. If you play it right at the bar (where she wants to meet you) you could end up going home with her or atleast make some progress. Just don't get attched because she might go back to her lover. Play a little hard to get at the bar.
Fuck her hard and long as she doesn't have a ring on her finger who cares. bf=bs IMO. If he wanted to keep her badly enough, he'd put a ring on that finger...without it, she's fair game especially since she obviously looking to get in your pants!
if your arrogant just f*@# her and not worry about her boyfriend, but if you respect the boyfriend then tell her to hook up with you she's gotta break up with him.
go to bar and see what happens..... if shes hitting on you then she doesn't need to be with the other guy, who is probably doing some other chick right now anyway..... Long distance shiit is rarely successful.....

tell us what she looks like.
she picked me up to go to a party. had a rather flirtatious convo, told me that her bf was basically a sugar daddy, and that she found him rather unattractive physically. continued with her comments on how she cares almost solely on the body when it comes to physical attractiveness...

was very touchy feely...and yes definately chemistry...not the kind of party more of a get together...type of thing...where I could really make a move. didnt take a ride from her when she wanted to leave...

was very strange the whole part about who buys her diamond, jewelry...and her car...but yet she isnt attracted to him at all...