Search results

  1. D


    No one uses Xen? That's what I'm currently taking and have seen good results. If $ is an issue, I think it's cheaper than Hydroxycut and you take less pills, so it's an added value. I have heard great things about Stacker though
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    Thanks so much guys! Can't wait til Wednesday :)
  3. D

    Ladies...What are your routines for working out?

    Hi Ladies: I have a question for you... Here's my routine Monday: Chest/Bis/Upper abs Wednesday:Legs/Glutes/Lower abs Friday: Shoulders/Tris/Obliques Saturday: Back/Calves My problem is that I don't want to (or can't) do cardio on Thursday because my legs are sore. Should I switch Wed and...
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    Hi ladies, I'm looking to add 1 or 2 more ham and calf exercises to my routine. Currently I only have hamstring curls, and only calf raises (standing or sitting). Can I get an idea of what you girls do for these?
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    To New Female Members

    Near Worcester
  6. D

    To New Female Members

    Thanks! I sure will. You're from MA too? :)
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    To New Female Members

    Another new girl here. I introduced myself in the general board, but wanted to do it here as well, because this is where I'll probably "hang out". I'm 5'8" 138lbs. I've been working on bettering my eating habits for a few months now, and want to develop a routine that will fit into my...
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    Another new member

    Hi everyone, Just joined the board. Wanted to say hi to everyone. I've only read a few posts so far before I registered, so I may be quiet for a while trying to read up. A little about me: I'm 23, female, from MA. 5'8" - 138 as of Friday. My goals are mostly to tone and gain some strength...