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  1. Armageddon

    TeamLifeResearch? Anyone try them?

    Don't believe there are any at the moment. Or if there is it's the same as ancillaries, sold as not for human use.
  2. Armageddon

    TeamLifeResearch? Anyone try them?

    This is Instyncts company and he is a great guy and has no problems what so ever. Especially legal of any sort, so no need to worry about it. He wouldn't even think about putting it up on that sight if it wasn't legal by all standards.
  3. Armageddon

    found this article on stretching

    I would sugest to looking into doggcrapp's strentching regimine as it is dificult, but great and productive.
  4. Armageddon

    IGF-1's healing ability

    The cut on your hand should heal like that anyways, if your a normal healthy person. That's just the way things work whenit comes to your hands and feet and there won't be any scars. Cut my palm so deep it didn't bleed before and was closed for good within 72hrs. As for the youngster and the...
  5. Armageddon

    Sex with "friends"

    does just seem to kind of happen. But don't be good at it as she'll tell everyone and they'll be beating your door down for some crazy unattached booty.
  6. Armageddon

    Protein is Protein right?

    Regardless of the studies and what not the best thing out still if you can afford it is pure whey, hands down. There is a time and a place for everything, but whey is the best! Caesin is what most of those "night time, time released" proteins are made out of. It's all part of the game by...
  7. Armageddon

    took my CPT test this weekend

    I also went through ISSA a few years ago. I let it laps and have to go again. Where did you go for the seminar? There are deffinately some nice looking girls that roll through those things!
  8. Armageddon

    Stretching for Splits

    didn't mean it as disrespectful, sorry if you read it that way
  9. Armageddon

    Stretching for Splits

    have to go with jap on this one as that is how I stretch my hipflexors to get ready for games and it works very well. But you have to have a partner for this!
  10. Armageddon

    I need a lil training advice

    Training Doggsrapp's style will make you feel and look like your on gear even when your not. It was awesome for me, I loved every minute of it, I can't wait to add super supplements to it.
  11. Armageddon


    That's funny shit! Try and take some papaya or another digestive enzyme with it and see if that helps clear up the gas problem. I think I may add this ti the post workout drink and use the slin to shuttle it in. I'll let you know when I start up.
  12. Armageddon


    Well Armageddon is the destruction of all, mayhem or can be looked at as a great battle between GOOD vs. EVIL and that seems to be what is always going on in my head. Some days I'm good and some days I'm not
  13. Armageddon


    Tell you the truth I don't even go back to training until monday, I've been out since Jun 8. So once I deplete for a week, then start up I think I'm going to try it. Especially the week I through DNP in there as the extra carbs with help rev that shit up real nice. Then on June 1st the...
  14. Armageddon


    I know the guys that told me weren't urban myths as they were in prison doing this exact thing. I'm not here making it up cause I really don't care if anyone believes it works or not. It's just what I've been told about it. I know it goes fast cause my own brother was in jail and worked in...
  15. Armageddon

    Took my first shot of pgf2

    you jumped right in there on the mgs, hows that treating you? Are you using the upjohn stuff? Curious, because I've been thinking about this for some time now. Are you going to try it for spot reduction? That's when I guess the cramps and shits are the worst when you inject closer to the...
  16. Armageddon


    yes sir, plain old bakers yeast as far as I know
  17. Armageddon


    Not saying you can't but he would have told me if he did juice as he was my workout partner and roomate. So I would have been told by at least one of them. I'm sure many guys do get there hands on it, but I also think that many don't. I can't say for a fact cause I have and am not going to...
  18. Armageddon

    Finally some good news

    DUDE that sucks, I also didn't even see that, I hope things work out for you and that clears up, SOON. I can offer some advice that might help the healing process. Go over to Animals board and look at a couple threads by Brooklyjuice, he's a really good guy and a mod over there and to make a...
  19. Armageddon


    I've talked about this on several boards and I put up everything I know which isn't much. But I've had several friends locked up and they call it the jail house steroid. I'm telling the honest to god truth. They put it in alittle bit of warm water and drink that shit down. These are some big...