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  1. poopoo

    Well, it looks like

    nice work bro
  2. poopoo

    Organon sust

    havent tried upjohn, but I tried organon sust, and its great
  3. poopoo

    (Rant Thread) Damm i hate......

    lol, thats funny
  4. poopoo

    Broke my gear

    dogs are nosy and greedy buggers, that's just their nature. keep the fucker locked in a separate room next time you handle gear, lol
  5. poopoo

    Is it me or is it them?

    hehehe, tose are funny. my gym is the same way, not much you can do about that sadly
  6. poopoo

    WTF is going on ??

    that's messed up choke, I swear our society is going to shit. scumbags like thath should be eliminated. well, at least nobody got hurt.
  7. poopoo

    damn broken toe

    just cut the damn thing off, I read somwhere that humans don't need their pinkies for anything hehe
  8. poopoo

    Goodbye until mon. bros

    later bro, dont work to hard with the moving
  9. poopoo

    New Board member

    thats fantastic bro, and welcome to mc
  10. poopoo

    B12 Across the border

    yeah bro, just go to any pharmacy and ask for it.its really cheap also. are you from the GTA mac gyver? cause that's roughly where i"m from
  11. poopoo

    Good Luck Skip!

    yeah, best of luck skip
  12. poopoo

    you punks are gonna get it!

    well, heres an update... stayed up untill 3am laast night, but no sign of the pranksters. oh well, at least I got all my golf clubs polished hehe. and the golf clubs are staying right by my bedside tonight, just in case.
  13. poopoo

    I respect roofers!

    three summers ago I worked for an industrial roofing company, and let me tell you, if you can be a roofer, you can do anything in the world (phisically demanding that is). Its the hardest job I ever had, my hat off to them
  14. poopoo

    Redneck joke

    lol, I knew this was coming
  15. poopoo

    Any Surfers here ??

    I do lots of porn surfing eversince I broke up with the lady.
  16. poopoo

    Another pic and introduction

    looking great, welcome to mc
  17. poopoo

    I hate waterbeds...

    I work at a matress fostory for the summer... it takes us about 20 min to make a king, and we sell it for about a grand. I feel like I'm part of some sort of a crime sindicate
  18. poopoo

    you punks are gonna get it!

    and youre right wineevee the ass shaking is pretty hipnotizing
  19. poopoo

    you punks are gonna get it!

    I'll be waiting patiently tonight... I'll be tired and crabby tomorrow, but what else is new... I'll sacrifice a few hours of sleep to catch those huligans:angry: now I must come up with something sinister to do to them...
  20. poopoo

    you punks are gonna get it!

    I've had some sleep probs lately. some motherfuckers have been setting off fire crackers in the middle of the night in my neighbourhood. this has happened for the past two nights, and i'm f'ing furious. I don't know who it is, but I have it narrowed down to three houses. If those punks are up...