Broke my gear


New member
My fucking dog knocked over a table that had my ICN's on them and they broke on the ceramic floor. I have four weeks left in my cycle and my test is now gone. I can't get anymore for a while so I guess I could use test cyp instead. Does anyone think that would be a problem? I can't believe this crap happened. The dog still won't come out from under the bed.
lol, sorry man thats fucked up, personaly i would kick the dog in the ribs and Im not much of an animal lover
Presser said:
lol, sorry man thats fucked up, personaly i would kick the dog in the ribs and Im not much of an animal lover

you mean

yeah, no problem switching to cyp bro.
I didn't kick him but I punched the crap out of him. He still won't come out from under the bed. He is a big dog and for those animal lovers I didn't hurt him. Trust me, he is 125lbs and loves to wrestle. He is half pit and half dobie. Thanks for the info on cyp. Getting my order out today. I was able to save one icn which was in my hand when the table went over. Those of you in the US have a good and safe fourth.
Put the glass shards in his dog food, that will teach him,lol, i know im out of hand, jsut messing with ya,
Use an ice cream scooper and rip out the retinas. That'll teach him!

Ok. That was wrong. Sorry.
you sick basterd this is a loving animal we are talking about not some wild beast.....I vote kick it again,lol

I hate animals realy, sorry, im just being retarded before this big weekend, my apologies to all you mushy animal lovers,lol,
mushy animal lover right here baby........I'm taking it all in for our first meeting Presser, time to show you an ass whippin' VA redneck style.....don't go hiding behind Choke
*hides under the bed*
Bro... sucks that your gear got broken... but that's what happened. passive sentence...

You must know that your dog will stick his big nose into anything and means nothing by it. If you leave stuff out and your animals get into it - my view is that the only one you can be mad at is yourself for leaving it where the animals could get to it.

Not trying to flame ya at all... just a reality check and hoping you don't take any of Presser's sadistic advice. *chuckle*

Very good observation bro. But I had my dog outside and the wife accidenly let him in when she was taking out the trash. He just charged and their was nothing I could do. He is very big and shoved his way by my wife. Thanks for the comment though
dogs are nosy and greedy buggers, that's just their nature. keep the fucker locked in a separate room next time you handle gear, lol
Well... maybe it's time to beat the wife, then. j/k *smile*
Even though my wife knows about it, I always do my shit in the bathroom with the door closed and locked - that way no one to blame but me if somethin happens.
I would have made the dog lick up the mess and then pretented I was korean and ate him . J/K My dog is so damn chumsy and big its funny to watch. J.R.