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  1. Noneck666

    repping out 225 on the bench

    not me but i have a buddy in the gym they crazy fuck does 100 reps.. not at once.. Each set is a burnout... not sure I could check but his first one was some where around high 20s to low 30s i think... he is a monster
  2. Noneck666


    Well slippy you did go about it the right way... plus make sure you get everything or a refund on that last 200... or it is still bullshit
  3. Noneck666

    Who doesnt like to go out every friday night?

    oh yeah.. all the time.. hell i stayed in last night just drank a glass of red wine and farted around the condo
  4. Noneck666

    It's a girl !!!!!

    2 girls.. damn I can see the gray comming in already.. heh CONGRATS.... I cant wait to have kids and also hope for a girl... I think i would look cool gray.
  5. Noneck666


    good god what is with all these people just going off lately about scammer but not willing to give proof... you know what this shit would have never flown before... I am not saying he is not a scammer but shit anyone can come on a board under any name and post SCAMMER... some not so cool...
  6. Noneck666

    prez' girlfriend

    my god.. she is a keeper
  7. Noneck666

    1st cycle, what do you think?

    Z-Monsteer you are very right and i wish more people knew this BUT The more muscle you build the more energy you burn and if he is on a good diet already and starts using AS His BF will come down fairly fast. Hence he will get more cut and add more muscle...not CUT mind you but more cut then he...
  8. Noneck666

    Winni only cycle

    i have ran winny only for a month but with T-3 and that was to cut up a bit... personally I gain a little on winny but not enough to be real happy about it. If I were to run a winny only cycle i would break it up Do like Days 1-30 50mg/ed 31-50 off/ use some legal stuff 51-80ish 50mg/ed But...
  9. Noneck666

    BassyPoo Sent Me

    moooo moooo 23/32 figure that one out.. HAHAHAHAH oh and for Rhap bow wow
  10. Noneck666

    Asskiller sent me too.....

    hey look it is an AP reunion
  11. Noneck666

    clean bulking?

    HELL no ... shit i dont even eat "clean" when i am trying to cut up.. guess that is why I am never truly cut
  12. Noneck666

    Cutting cycle

    throw in some EQ and you are set...
  13. Noneck666


    ahh bass you know i cant follow anything... and Presser I was just seeing how long i could live without you.. heh I will be around here more I promise
  14. Noneck666


    Hey just thought i would stop by. Basskiller told me i should take a look. Hope to be around more to help those that I can. Noneck666 (AP Admin)