As for me, I do have proof. 4 different emails saying my package will be delivered 4 different times, guaranteed. This was over a 7 week period. The funny thing is, 3 days ago I started going on different boards asking for advice if I should post my guy as a scammer, but I never gave his name out. Lo and behold, Thurs. he overnighted it and I got it Friday (yesterday). Of course, he left out $200 worth of the order, but at least I got part of what was owed to me. It sure seems like he read the boards and that caused him to send my stuff.
Well slippy you did go about it the right way... plus make sure you get everything or a refund on that last 200... or it is still bullshit
Slippy said:
As for me, I do have proof. 4 different emails saying my package will be delivered 4 different times, guaranteed. This was over a 7 week period. The funny thing is, 3 days ago I started going on different boards asking for advice if I should post my guy as a scammer, but I never gave his name out. Lo and behold, Thurs. he overnighted it and I got it Friday (yesterday). Of course, he left out $200 worth of the order, but at least I got part of what was owed to me. It sure seems like he read the boards and that caused him to send my stuff.
You ever thought that maybe all it took was to ask around about what you should do and maybe a MOD or someone with some "juice" like a VET put in a word to him..

This is what you do before calling someone out as a scammer..

PM me the other boards in which you posted this at?
I have had a well known source take almost 2 months to get my stuff in once. I was getting scared also. But I emailed a mod. They got in touch with the source. Come to find out this sources shipper just made a mistake and got my stuff in 4 days after that. So always email a mod before posting scammer. A mod can work wonders for you.. :D