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  1. Z

    My IGF Journal

    you cant really prove you have more cells now. maybe your old muscle cells just grew... If you want to learn about that go look up mitosis and hyperplasia.
  2. Z

    Diet with IGF

    Im not sure if you have used steroids before, but they can cause some detrimental side effects, just winny you will probably be ok, (some slight liver toxicity) but just from my experience there are legal prohormones out that are 2 molecules away from a steroid and will give you respectably...
  3. Z

    wheat bread pizza

    hey Normal sucks, did you know we have the same bday?? Jan 7th!!!
  4. Z

    Diet with IGF

    unless you use steroids
  5. Z

    Diet with IGF

    its kind of hard to do both at the same time. IF you want to gain muscle you need to take in a surplus of calories. If you want to lose fat, you need to create a slight deficit.
  6. Z

    My IGF Journal

    IGF works differently for people depending on dose, age, etc. You are going to have to trial and error to see what works best for you. When I am on it, my appetite is stimulated, so I eat more, alot more. Just listen to your body. Well it sounds like you want more muscle and less fat. I had the...
  7. Z

    binged last night

    beats me! as for you normal, I have been doing the same thing, munching a lot of carbs at night! The later I stay up the worse the hunger gets. I'm not on anything either, just (a small dose of showdown every day to boost my natural test levels) PCT from pro hormone.
  8. Z

    My IGF Journal

    Gains? fatloss? current weight? pics? anything to spice this thread up?
  9. Z

    Edamame good or Bad?

    cool. I just love eating them. I can eat them all day, as a supplement to my animal protein of course!!!
  10. Z

    Edamame good or Bad?

    you can buy them dry roasted. and they taste awesome. Cosco sells a huge container of them for like 7 bucks.
  11. Z

    Edamame good or Bad?

    ok great. So i eat half a cup of these a day, but that only accounts for maybe 20 grams of protein a day, and I am taking about 150-200 grams. so 10-15% of my protein is coming from soy. I really like them because 1/2 a cup is 16 grams of fiber, and only 2g of sugar.
  12. Z

    z28stud97 IGF JOURNAL

    and the funny thing is Stickler you replied to my other post too!
  13. Z

    z28stud97 IGF JOURNAL

    the new pic's are right here. It wouldnt let me post in here, so I had to post in a different catagory then they moved the pics to this forum but a different post. These were pre- 6lbs of intracellular/interstitial fluid loss.
  14. Z

    Edamame good or Bad?

    I was wondering if any of the bodybuilders here know if Edamame is a good protein to eat. By my understanding its a soy protein. Some theories I have heard on this are that they increase your Estrogen levels and rob you of Testosterone. But they have a high protein intake, low fat, high...
  15. Z

    z28stud97 IGF JOURNAL

    out of IGF :( still on pct for 2 more weeks, still 215 lbs.
  16. Z

    z28stud97 IGF JOURNAL

    update!!! Day 10: dropped down to 215 lbs. lost pretty much all water weight. I think my weight has stabilized. Vascularity has significantly improved. very happy with this cycle as long as I don't lose any more weight. Diet is very clean. Doing minimal cardio 2x/week to keep my weight up. I...
  17. Z


    yes, I am very happy with my results. Below is my IGF-1 Journal with my original pic's from one year ago. starting today I am in PCT, I am taking 6-oxo - 3 caps daily, 1 cap/day of Nolvadex xt, IGF-1 for 3 weeks, and Muscle milk and detour bars as my protein shakes/bars. and NO xplote 30 min...
  18. Z


    hey presser, I was wondering if you can move these pics to my IGF-1 Journal. For some reason it wont let me upload them there. -thanks Z
  19. Z

    z28stud97 IGF JOURNAL

    ok, so I stopped my tren as of Today. I am off cycling 6-oxo, and Igf-1 for 3 weeks. I weigh about 220 lbs. Bodyfat, unknown. I am unable to post my pictures in this forum, so maybe I can put them in a different one and if someone could upload them that would be awesome. -thanks. I start...