z28stud97 IGF JOURNAL

Hey z28 I am going to start real soon (hopefully tomorrow). This will be sweet to start logs at the same time and see how our results compare. I am doing 50mcg (25 bilaterally) 6 days a week for 6 weeks.
Got MY IGF-1 in the mail today. Starting today 30-40mcg/day for 30 days.

Current stats 6'3 205 LBS 11% bodyfat.

Goal for the month: lose 1% bodyfat and gain 2-4 lbs of LBM. I dont expect to see much changes on the scale with my diet and the amount of cardio I will be doing. I love this stuff!
z28stud97 said:
Got MY IGF-1 in the mail today. Starting today 30-40mcg/day for 30 days.

Current stats 6'3 205 LBS 11% bodyfat.

Goal for the month: lose 1% bodyfat and gain 2-4 lbs of LBM. I dont expect to see much changes on the scale with my diet and the amount of cardio I will be doing. I love this stuff!

I wouldnt expect to gain much more then 2lbs of lbm bro if u do however put on 4lbs of lbm then let us know exactly what ya did, i mean it might be possible but unlikly for most brutha, and you dont think u can lose more then 1% of bodyfat bro?
gotcha, u should be pleasantly surprised then i would imagine u will lose more my man
yea, i can tell i dropped a little BF in the last month, but maybe .5%, I literally doubled my protein intake and let me tell you, I worked out today arms for about an hour and a half, my arms got very pumped. it felt amazing. Similar to a juice pump. I also did abs after that then 30 min of cardio. Immediately took my protein, just got home, and not im prolly gonna get a carne asada burrito.

Ill be back on here in 2 weeks.
6 months later. I have been following a pretty strict diet, and been running 100mg/ ulimate tren ED, up to 220 lbs. Going to run 2 more weeks then off cycling with IGF and 6- OXO for 4 weeks for PCT. Hope I don't drop too much weight.
6 months later. I have been following a pretty strict diet, and been running 100mg/ ulimate tren ED, up to 220 lbs. Going to run 2 more weeks then off cycling with IGF and 6- OXO for 4 weeks for PCT. Hope I don't drop too much weight.

that sounds like a solid plan, I used the 6 oxo before with pretty good success, i used it to shed water and lean out though while i was water depleting after doing a water load last week before a show
ok, so I stopped my tren as of Today. I am off cycling 6-oxo, and Igf-1 for 3 weeks. I weigh about 220 lbs. Bodyfat, unknown. I am unable to post my pictures in this forum, so maybe I can put them in a different one and if someone could upload them that would be awesome. -thanks. I start Paramedic school next week, so I am not going to be able to work out as much which is going to hurt a lot!!!
update!!! Day 10: dropped down to 215 lbs. lost pretty much all water weight. I think my weight has stabilized. Vascularity has significantly improved. very happy with this cycle as long as I don't lose any more weight. Diet is very clean. Doing minimal cardio 2x/week to keep my weight up. I have about 1 more week of IGF left.
great journal... i wish you could post pics.. c'mon ADMINS .. help this guy will ya! .. lol .. i can see the old pics.. just want to see new ones a year later!!