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    Train Your Mind, To Build Your Body (NEW DESIGNED T-SHIRTS ARE AVAILABLE NOW!!!)

    Hey Presser, Ive done alot of artwork in the past for gyms, so if you need some ideas email me! Love to help out. [email protected]
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    Anyone else having problems with QV

    Ive been using the QV250 and havent had any problems. It did hurt for the first couple of weeks but and I cant remeber were i read it, you can put it in some boiling water with a 23guage in it for ventilation and it gets rid of a lot of the alcohol content (I think) Somebody tell me if i got...
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    newbie cycles...good for all?

    That looked like my first cycle and it worked very well. But i didnt have the EQ. Didnt introduce that till my third cycle.
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    Deca, equi or primo

    And Ill third that!
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    Deca, equi or primo

    Like Macgyver said, post your stats and experience and your goals. Trust me everyone here will help you if you give them all the info.
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    schwartz labs

    Who has tried the pancake mix, my wife loves the damn things and if there good I might get her to try something that will actually be good for her! I love the whey protein vanilla flavor!
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    Where to buy???

    I agree with everyone else, besides read the rules here, nobody is going to just start throwing out names here. Keep it safe!
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    two more questions for you all.

    I like throwing in Glutamine with my creatine. It might just be me but i respond well to it.
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    Help, I'm a newbie

    Yep, I agree. And if your prone to gyno, which it sounds like you are since you already had a lil bit there, you maybe could have run the nolva from day one. But definatley get some test bro. Its the base of all cycles. I personally like running either T200 from Brovel or Qv 250. About 500mgs a...
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    Who has kids?

    I have 3 kids, just wanted to see how many mama's and daddy's were here.:D
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    Anyone read MD???

    Anybody remeber the good ol days when muscle media 2000 was actuall worth spending a lil bit of money. Hell now its just a big catalog for eas and the natural pretty boys that won there contest.
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    MadCHemist Getting Ripped

    Hey mad, can you tell me how your running the T3. Are you ramping up and then maintaining it, then back down or what?
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    Posing songs?

    I can think of a couple: System of a Down-Aerial Filter-Nice Shot Man
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    Article about US!!

    Gee, a friggin article saying we care about what we look like. I guess a fat lil bastard wrote that to make himself feel better. Geeeeeezz
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    Hey newgirl, Now Ill tell you i have been married for three almost four years now. I still bring flowers home, leave notes for her on the bathroom mirror (with a big heart around it) hell i even wrote her something like a poem. She doesnt have to work, but she does take care of our 3 year old...
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    I wish i could workout twice. Hell Im up at 4am and in the gym by4:15am. Work from 8 to 9 everyday except Sunday. Finance mgr at a dealership is long hours! Good luck with your site, and is it a website or what?
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    Florida State lost

    Im an NC State fan anyway and there the main competition now that there in the ACC.
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    Thanks Sky.................were have u been by the way?
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    Anyone remember the original stackers by zoe. There u go and of course the 69......u can imagine,the 2000 is when my first cycle was!
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    another gym moron...

    Damn i smell smell bacon.......thats definatly bacon.....its definatly pork!!!!!!!! quote:Eddie Murphy!