Help, I'm a newbie

Yep, I agree. And if your prone to gyno, which it sounds like you are since you already had a lil bit there, you maybe could have run the nolva from day one. But definatley get some test bro. Its the base of all cycles. I personally like running either T200 from Brovel or Qv 250. About 500mgs a week would be good for your first cycle.

And dont forget your clomid at the end!!!!!
D-bol only?-No anti-e's during cycle?-HCG post cycle w/o anti-e?-WTF are you thinking!-Let me guess-Your friend at the gym told you right?-Do some research here-cross reference with AF or Elite or anabolic-paradise-you will find some common opinions and experiences-aggregate your fecal matter before going blindly down a path that could do you potential harm!!-training,diet and recovery are the keys and must be FIRMLY in place prior to any cycle for success-in the future post your stats(age,wt.,B.F.%,training split,macro-nutrient breakdown) and I'm sure you will get some help-Right now put down the D-bol and slowly back away!!
hey guys, thanks for all the great input. i put the d-bol back on the shelf.(for now). just placed an order for nolv, clomid , and test.
what can i start the doses out at?? what about the hcg?? my stats are- 6'0" 220 10-18% bf . my diet mainly consists of tuna and rice, because i travel alot (alot of late workouts). any info on that??
You should get your BF checked accurately-at your height and weight you could be even higher than 18%-write down everything you put in your mouth and when for 3 days-you'll be shocked at what you actually ingest-you need to be eating 6 meals/day-get your carbs down under 100 and none after 6pm-protein at least 300-make up the rest of your calories with healthy fats for energy(get at least 500 cals under maintenence)-do 45 min cardio in the AM on empty stomach 3-4 times a week-train 2 on 1 off-2 on 2 off-basic heavy movements to failure-3 sets per body part-intensity is the key!-maintain this type of program for 6 months-shed 15#'s of fat-then get your test,D-bol and ancillaries and bros from this board will give you more advice than you'll know what to do with!!-If you do not have the discipline to keep on a program like this-save your money as GEAR IS NOT A MAGIC BULLET!!-Good Luck
Cowboy, what are your goals? 10-18% is a big variance on bf. If you are say under 15, I'd say you're good to go on either a cutting or bulking cycle. If you're over that, I'd recommend dieting heavy for about a month or so and getting rid of some bf. Doing AAS with high bf, especially something that aromatizes as readily as dbol, will definitely give you gyno problems. Get to 15% bf first, then go for the gear.

Another few things...
...low carbs are for cutting...if you want to build muscle, you need lots of carbs. That's a whole other topic though.
...dbol and test are good together as dbol helps jumpstart the higher androgen levels. However, a test-only cycle, which in essence a test/dbol cycle is, is ok but not optimal. Adding an anabolic like deca durabolin, durabolin, or EQ will be more effective. A good starter stack would be 10 weeks of 500Test, 400 deca and 50Dbol (w1-5).

First decide what your goals are, then we can get more specific on diet, training and AAS stacking.
Good deal, the diet is on !!! But while dieting don't you lose lean muscle, or is that a myth?? Had BF% checked on Wed., it was 16 % . Goals?!?! 280-300 lbs, 10-12% BF. I would like to be ready to compete in 1 yr.( not pro, start at the bottom!!)also any tips on training. right now it"s 5 on, 2 off.
Just noticed this guy was getting flamed pretty hard for starting a cycle of D-bol only,But there are several other post on here where other members have done the same cycle only diffrence was the anti E's, My point being if this guy wasn't prone to gyno and didn't need the anti would you guys be hitting so hard?I Know it is important top do the research but it all boils down to in the end diffrent strokes for diffrent folks.All the research in the world won't stop gyno and in SOME cases neithier will Nolvedex.Not trying to start shit just asking you guys that have your own bodies figured out to give us new guys the same chance without flamming.Just a thought.
No offense bro but I don't think he was getting flamed-your comment concerning research is unfounded-frankly research and learning from past mistakes of others will save you time,money and potentially protect you from harm and shitty cycle results.The point is that GEAR IS NOT THE SOLUTION-young guys and bros just getting into "The Game" have got to have the diet,training,recovery triad -w/o it you see the "WTF happened to my gains" and "My gear is fake" posts on the boards.Lastly a good general understanding of HOW your body actually works will help you plan your cycles and training programs-P.S.-how old are you guys anyway??(cowboy&Frog)
Re: nonsence

dpsquat said:
maybe your guru ass should keep an open mind !

:rolleyes: The "nonsense" comment was not intended as a flame,so how about I just say "Fuck you" to that comment above and we start fresh. ;) Hope your open minded to the suggestion.
sorry to hear about that gyno, I hope that you have got it taken care of for now....and just watch it very closely... and u will be fine, stack some deca or eq with that test and dbol and u will like the results that's for sure.
rippedchef said:
No offense bro but I don't think he was getting flamed-your comment concerning research is unfounded-frankly research and learning from past mistakes of others will save you time,money and potentially protect you from harm and shitty cycle results.The point is that GEAR IS NOT THE SOLUTION-young guys and bros just getting into "The Game" have got to have the diet,training,recovery triad -w/o it you see the "WTF happened to my gains" and "My gear is fake" posts on the boards.Lastly a good general understanding of HOW your body actually works will help you plan your cycles and training programs-P.S.-how old are you guys anyway??(cowboy&Frog)
I knew this would happen ok I am not really sure what was so unfounded by my research statement (it will not stop gyno) that is the truth.not one time did i say or mean to imply it was useless.I about saving time,money and protecting from harm,personally i would have spent alot less money without the research,research which has taken me alot and i mean alot of time.About the comment GEAR IS NOT THE SOLUTION i take it you don't use it and have another answer for the genes i have been offered.I do agree with your diet training and recovery being important but even with all that planned out well you will still lose some gains and there will still be those LOW LIFE PIECES OF SHIT selling fake gear.Anyway enough said.I am 25 just starting to play "THE GAME" ;)
Hey guys, as I said in my first couple of posts I"m 28. I spent the past 10 years in the Army doing various things. If that's the worst thing anyones ever said to me I'd be flying.( but it's not) I know how to train,I know what works best for my body, both bulking and cutting. I'm not new to that. But what i am new to, is AS. And I have seen, first hand what a d-bol only cycle looks like.(not too shabby). but like I've always been taught " If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right" and that's why I'm here. To find any help or tips that would improve "my game".No harm no foul. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. (good or bad)
(refer to previous posts)
no aromatization=no gyno
Yes I do use gear
D-bol for more than 4-6 weeks is hard on the liver
Test based cycle considered by most "THE" first cycle
Ask Basskiller,Fonz,Ulter,BstrongBwell-do what they suggest
post your macro-nutrient breakdown and training split-get all your gear and ancillaries prior to starting and welcome to the dark side!!!
here we go!!! got bf down to 12%. i feel great.acquired t200, nolv,d-bol, hcg. what are the recomended doses for a beginner?how do CC's convert to MG's, because d-bol and nolv are oral, test and hcg are inject. also how is hcg mixed?
ugh cowboy do the work bro use the search button next you'll want us to push the plunger. I don't mean to be a prick but you have to put forth some effort.
WTF !!!??? Who the h#ll are you !!! Dude I'm just doing what was advised. If you don't have any advise or constructive criticism toward my post, step the f*ck off, and leave it for those who do.

Whoa there Cowboy-Mailbox is a good bro-been around and helped quite a few bros-if you can be a little objective,you have kinda been asking to be spoonfed-no offense-some bros just think you should put the time in yourself-for your own good!!-the more you research the more you'll learn-the better decisions you'll make and better results you'll experience!!-Don't mean to preach but in a book thats 2000 years old it says"there is wisdom in many counselors" and "He who sows little-reaps little"-just an opininon same as Mailbox-take it or not but try not to get so bent-the bros here aren't looking to insult or belittle you-lots of different bros with different ideas!!-Good Luck with your cycle-Train Hard!!
thanks ripped for the back up. cowboy I don't mean to get you all bunched up you will learn more if you search and then ask questions. Sorry if yopu took this the wrong way.
I guessw that I came off on a bad note At least I'm man enough to say that I'm sorry for the mixup I'm just not in the mood for flaming.