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  1. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    In the mood for some sparring are we Crankster old chap? OK boy, here is a little something for you to have an insightful read out of: Just for the record, I’d rather have verbal diarrhea than mental constipation, so I think I got the better end of the bargain. Since when was verbal diarrhea a...
  2. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    Hmmm…time for me to put something in here before it gets too long to respond to properly. I’ll try to get in a detailed response to everyone that has put up a debatable point. Here we go. My first responses will be dedicated to Crankin'stein: This one had me stumped for a little while Crank...
  3. I

    Staying interested with you significant other

    I'll give you something to think about. What do you do when you get bored in a relationship? Find ways to make it better....or look for something more interesting? A relationship is the biggest committment you'll ever make, and what you make of it will depend on your maturity and your character...
  4. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    Have we run out of opinions/points of view here? Anyone have a comeback?
  5. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    If that were the case, wouldn't they already be frothing their merry way down those rapids? :D :D :D
  6. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    Noooo, politicians suck Anadrol. They are just greasy liars in expensive suits. I'd tie them together and set them adrift in white rapids in a heartbeat. :D
  7. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    Glad this thread is getting back on track again. Hey SuzyQ, I have never read Simone de Beauvoir but I will give her work a look now that you pointed her out. I need to read something other than chemical equations for a little while anyways. :p Thank you. Skip, not sure how to respond to that...
  8. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    So is beer... :D
  9. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    I was only joking around with you GetnBigr. Don't take offence, because none was intended. School is good at any age you decide to take it and, as you say, juggling a full time job, a marriage, kids and school is an acutely fine balancing act. But never give up and you will get there. I wish you...
  10. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    Ah, that's 26 though. Ole GetnBigr here is practically a geriatric. Hehehe.
  11. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    That's not arguing with me, that's sidetracking the conversation. :D And big jubblies just cause problems as you get older. Also, what did you do wrong to be still in school at your advanced age? :) :D :p
  12. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    Hehehe, shit noooo man don't give up like that!!! You GOTTA argue with me!! :D :D :D
  13. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    Hey GetnBigr, thanks for posting your thoughts. It's good to discuss things. Allow me to point something out to you from an analysis of what you have said. You have made the same mistake Sweatmachine did in his earlier post: you have succumbed to your inbuilt preconceptions without even noticing...
  14. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    Thanks GetnBigr, :p , it's just me writing my thoughts out really. I don't think Shakespeare is quaking in his grave as yet. :D So...would you like to contribute to this thread?
  15. I

    Most Unfortunate Victim of........

    Darn man, and you even have that sig line! Come over here and bend over. I'll start the whuppins! Seriously tho, whatever you did (and it's between the two of you) show that you are sorry if you truly are. I won't preach about how lies always come to the surface. We all do crappy things at one...
  16. I

    Most Unfortunate Victim of........

    There is always people out there ready to take advantage of our trust. It's a terrible thing but it's true. It has happened to me time and time again. They are not worth our time and/or the pain they cause us. I'd rather be alone than be fooled. I would distance myself from such people because...
  17. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    Hey Pipe_Girl, if melting you is a good thing, I won't complain. :p Everything I said was the truth according to me. You're very welcome. Just pour yourself into my champagne glass and we will toast the New Year in together. :D I'm too heavy to be a mountaneer anyways, so I would find the...
  18. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    Here is a small note for T82. As I have said above, physical attraction creates the desire to get to know a person simply because we have been conditioned to think that way. It's the way we are taught to assess people. You are never taught different, in fact we are bombarded with this message...
  19. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    Hey Sweatmachine, thanks for taking time to comment. Allow me to point out a few things. If you read my post carefully, you will see that I never said that you cannot have both. In fact, in the last part of my post, I said that it would be great to have both (obviously meaning that I...
  20. I

    Women of a Lesser God

    As I browse through these forums, I have noticed that a recurrent theme seems to spring up every time women are discussed, as invariably happens during the course of most male conversation. Most guys (saying "all" would be too crass of a generalization) seem to place very heavy emphasis on how...