Women of a Lesser God

IM^ said:
That's not arguing with me, that's sidetracking the conversation. :D And big jubblies just cause problems as you get older. Also, what did you do wrong to be still in school at your advanced age? :) :D :p

i worked for a year after high school for a mechanical contractor, then joined the UNITED STATES MARINE CORP for a few years, worked construction for a year after that, quit and went to school full time for a year, started working for current employer full time. I have been taking 1 class here and 1 class there. Been taking 2 at a time for the last 2 years. Needless to say it is slow going. I do have an Associates Degree, and still working on Bachelors. Working full time, married with a child makes it tough sometimes.
I'll get it done eventually.
I was only joking around with you GetnBigr. Don't take offence, because none was intended. School is good at any age you decide to take it and, as you say, juggling a full time job, a marriage, kids and school is an acutely fine balancing act. But never give up and you will get there. I wish you all the very best my friend. Like bodybuilding, success will come from the courage in your heart.
IM^ said:
. . . Most guys (saying "all" would be too crass of a generalization) seem to place very heavy emphasis on how their woman looks, thus using today's society accepted definitions of "beautiful" and "attractive", and thereby, "desirable", as a gauge against which all women are calibrated. . . .
My principal pet peeve is feeling the need to judge, and therefore, classify, my woman based on norms set up by someone else.

IM, have you ever read anything by Simone de Beauvoir? She was a French philosopher who had alot to say about the feminine myth. She was highly critical of the fact that society projects a particular "entity" onto women, when in fact one cannot exist. The following is from an essay that I wrote on her essay called "Woman and the Meaning of Life":

"De Beauvoir asserts that woman is far more than the static ideal that has perpetuated throughout history. Society disregards the "multiple existences of women" in favor of this idea that cannot be contradicted. Her conclusion is a necessary one if society is to recognize women as the complex individuals that they are."

I think that you would like de Beauvoir. She is a thought-provoking writer.
What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?

Nothing, you already told her twice.


That oughta get this thread rollin' again. :D
society is simply a reflection of the people in it. Models got to skinny and now check out the fat asses in videos. I get tired of people dogging on how society is causing people to change or holding up images that are unattainable. You are society so fuckin change it. And why are you so worked up about what other people think anyway?
Glad this thread is getting back on track again. Hey SuzyQ, I have never read Simone de Beauvoir but I will give her work a look now that you pointed her out. I need to read something other than chemical equations for a little while anyways. :p Thank you.

Skip, not sure how to respond to that one. Domestic violence is a terrible thing, but, as a continuation of your (obvious) joke, if a woman is still doing what she wants after you told her twice, you better put the apron on and start washing the dishes man.

Rugbythug, your post is evidently directed at someone, but I am not sure towards whom as you weren't very clear. However, here are a few corrections for you:

society is simply a reflection of the people in it.
Society is a reflection of the collective beliefs of the majority of the people that compose it. Your statement leaves out the minority groups, the people who are too few to voice their opinions, the downtrodden, the misunderstood, who have no less a right to voice their opinion than anyone else.

I get tired of people dogging on how society is causing people to change or holding up images that are unattainable.
People trying to conform to norms established by the majority is a normal reaction, as it is a psychological instinct to try to fit in with your peers. The natural hierarchy of human society comes from the inbuilt human impulse to group and form a community. Society does cause people to change, so getting tired of people pointing that out is not a solution. And unattainable ideals are the dangerous end result of people trying to push the envelope to end on top of the social food chain as they are the ones most likely to be selected for hero worship and emulation. Which is why the collective mentalities of a majority are so perilous.

You are society so fuckin change it
No man, that's not correct. It's couch potato mentality. WE are society, change depends on all of us, including you.

And why are you so worked up about what other people think anyway?

I think that is already amply explained above and in previous posts. What society thinks can be a dangerous thing, because a collective mentality can give even a weak, and completely wrong idea incredible power. Think of the German nationalistic convinctions prior to WWII. Think of racial discrimination and hatred in the US in the early part of last century. Hell, think of how the average Joe and Jane Pencilneck view bodybuilders. The examples are too many to list. You know them as well as I do. What other people think can cause a lot of grief. Don't make the mistake of not caring about it because it does not directly affect you. Indifference can also be a crime.
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Noooo, politicians suck Anadrol. They are just greasy liars in expensive suits. I'd tie them together and set them adrift in white rapids in a heartbeat. :D
IM^ said:
Noooo, politicians suck Anadrol. They are just greasy liars in expensive suits. I'd tie them together and set them adrift in white rapids in a heartbeat. :D

are you sure this isn't what we were taught to believe by society???

j/k.....lol :D
I have finally taken the time to read the whole original post and here is my response to you:

You have said nothing extraordinary.... all you have done is told everyone something that they should all know. That the looks of their partner and great sex can only hold together a relationship for so long. Anyone who has been in a real relationship knows this already...... The first couple months looks matter, it is one of the only legs that the relationship has to stand on, until the two people can get to know each other, and have other bonds, and reasons to be with the other person. Then with love comes less concern of looks (tho attraction is a must for the sexual part of the relationship). Love will hold the two people through almost anything should they choose to let it.

My response to your thoughts on society:

Does society place a large emphasis on looks?? Sure it does. Through the media they can male you feel that you must look better. and they do. Is this a crime?? Well no, but it does cause some people to have problems such as anorexia, etc. But who is to say that these people wouldn't have these problems without socirty stressing looks?? These people even without the magazines and television will figure out that looks do matter. Because it is a fact of life that without looks, it is almost impossible to take interest in a person long enough to want to get to know them better. You can't look over at a girl in the mall and say "Hey I wonder what her personality is like?" Then fo talk to her to find out..... Because nature and instincts that we are born with won't allow it...... However, you will notice that each person has a different view of good looking. For instance, I may think a girl is attractive and my friend may think I am crazy..... because he doesn't see her the same way. I think this is a small way of balancing out attraction, so thatmost people (who take care of themselves half decent) will be able to find someone who finds them attractive.

My fingers hurt...... thats all for now.
The first couple months looks matter, it is one of the only legs that the relationship has to stand on, until the two people can get to know each other, and have other bonds
Wow, such a shame two people can't get to know one another before beginning a relationship. There would probably be fewer failed relationships. How ass-backwards to begin a relationship based purely on looks and a few first impressions.
If a relationship is what you're after, taking the time to get to know someone can be very exciting.

If a relationship is not what you want, then go bonk her brains out and be done with it.
Honestly I don't like this thread because the whole concept is putting down everyone. It is ridiculous to say that looks are completely unimportant....It is great that you say that you don't place any emphasis on looks, but in every society people do place some emphasis on looks so I think you are not being real with yourself on that one. As you said in some societies fat women are considered good, in others ones with long necks are attractive. Are you saying you are a social oddity?

Many people do not think that looks matter much and place a bigger emphasis on personality which is awesome. I believe you fall into that group. I believe two people should get to know each before starting a relationship otherwise why the hell would you decide to be in a relationship with someone without knowing anything about them?

I can honestly say that Yes I do place emphasis on looks, yes society has probably molded my mind as to what is attractive, but I do place an equal emphasis on personality, because no matter how good someone looks it will not make a relationship last, it will not make you love that person, and honestly if your relationship is based on just looks there is probably something wrong with ya mentaly to let yourself get basically nothing but sex or being seen with someone that is socially accepted as pretty...I do not know anyone who would get into a committed relationship based soley on looks. Maybe you know more shallow people than me or maybe I just don't care what other people do in their personal relationships...lol. It's none of my business. They'll figure out the truth on their own.