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    Can you believe this guy!!

    Shredz i thought we agreed you would not tell people this story about me...:(

    My toys...

    Nice toys boys!!! and remember one who dies with most toys wins :)

    Canada Roll Call

    Near T-Dot here...XXL

    IGF-1 user info--please respond

    well the gas was there and shit a bit here and there, keep in mind i was dieting so there wasn't much to come you can't handle, but i wold not want to take the PGF-2a for any longer then 6 weeks, OUCH!!! XXL

    IGF-1 user info--please respond

    The pain from PGF-2a is pretty bad esspecially in bis, other parts not so bad...but you kind of get used to sides from IGF-1r, aside from being hungry about 1 hour after the shot, which sucked as i was dieting...other then that i do not feel i got any sides...XXL


    I am pretty sure it's for real, i know a few guys that know him personaly and talk to him on the phone a lot and they all say it's is indeed very sad news...i am a MOD on his board i have talked to him on a number of occassions...he was a great mod always willing to help in...

    IGF-1 user info--please respond

    Just ship me a crate of that stuff and i will be glad to keep a very detailed log...:) On a seriouse not, i ran IGF-1r & PGF-2a for 4 weeks beofre my last show, what i noticed was this; extreme vascularity, density, muscle hardness and i feel i have gained a bit of lean muscle tissue. There was...

    A list of better boards than MC.....

    This board is very nice, i like the lay out and peeps seem to be nice...but another Drama free board is i think it just as good as right here...XXL

    Cycle HELP Prop is kicking my ass!

    I agree switching esters will not make much differance here, test is test once it leaes the ester, however i think esters play important and overlooked role...When test enenthate says it's 250mg/ml the actual weight of the test is only 174mg, the rest (76mg) of the wight is ester weight totaly...
  10. MIKE_XXL

    1 day out

    Great improvment from the other pics i have seen, i assume the other once are from last look great, knock 'em dead...good luck...XXL
  11. MIKE_XXL

    detection times testo suspension

    Very well could be, i am guessing myself, but a couple of days will surely clear your system of any traces...XXL
  12. MIKE_XXL

    Cycle HELP Prop is kicking my ass!

    I warm up the fluid a little bit by running syringe under hot water...makes it go through a bit quiker...but hey i got time, i ain't going XXL
  13. MIKE_XXL


    Yap...all mine...:D
  14. MIKE_XXL

    Why do you think Cutler uses Apple Sauce?

    I think the reason to use apple sauce is to resote the glucogen levels in your liver, any fruite based sauce will be mostly fructose for carbohydrates..fructose main function is to restore glucogen levels in your liver, once those levels are full, your body can concentrate on trensporting the...
  15. MIKE_XXL

    Good luck Spanishfly!

    Good luck Girly!!!
  16. MIKE_XXL

    detection times testo suspension

    I woudl say that half life of suspenssion is around 24-48 hours so after 4-5 days there should only be trace levels of it in your system...good luck...XXL
  17. MIKE_XXL

    slin 70/30

    I preffer Humulin-R over Homolog or any other, i feel humolog is to fast acting and will not give a full benifit as humulin-R would...kisks in within 15min peaks at 2 hours and hangs around for about 6 hours total...i like to time mine that it peaks about 15 minutes after training...but that can...
  18. MIKE_XXL

    Cycle HELP Prop is kicking my ass!

    I love prop and would not drop it, what i do is i shoot 1cc ED mixed with 1 cc of EQ (50mg/ml), all divided into 2 1cc Insulin needles (1/2" - 28 guage) works like a charm, i only shoot tris, bis, shoulders, chest and lats, occasionaly calfs but thos ehurt like MOFO...:D... Other then that...
  19. MIKE_XXL

    You guys HAVE to try these

    Yeah Tri-O-Plex are the sh* favorite bar by far...Apple-Caramel...hmmmm i love caramel...
  20. MIKE_XXL

    me at 215... just relaxin

    Looking good Bro...XXL