Cycle HELP Prop is kicking my ass!


New member
I'm currently stacking Whinny tabs 50 mg/daily, 250mg's of EQ/ 2 x a week and 1 cc of prop daliy. The prop is kicking my ass. I fell like a pin cushion. My goal is lean and hard. I'm about ready to finish week three of prop and EQ.
What would happen to my cycle and receptors if I swithced to Omnadren or Sust 250 two times a week. My goal is to keep Whinny and Eq. Or would my body get all jacked?

No I wouldn't recommend to switch up will through your levels off for weeks, I would go to Lab-corp and get there sterile oil and put about 1/3 cc of sterile oil in there and that should take care of your pain.

You can find it here
Yeah, bump for the brand of prop. I know what you talking about! LOL.

I'm right now dealing with a very painful 200 mgs a ml prop myself! (Mine's Golden Triangle)
Great feedback. The prop is home brew.

My bigeest concern is daily injections. Just got nodules in my glutes and quads.

Do you still think switching to sust 250 or Omnadren will "jack" with my system too much?

What if I eliminate Prop and still use EQ 2 x 250 mg/week and Whinny 50 mg daily?

Thanks for all the help.
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That home brew was made with 5%BA and 10%BB so it could just your reaction with prop. With almost any test I use I get soar somewhat. Baking it would only be needed if you think it is un-sterile and by this time you would already have an infection if you have used for 3 weeks. Does it make a difference where you inject it?
Also....this soreness maybe normal for prop. Typical prop is more painful and will cause you to be more soar than enanthate or cypionate. Have you ever used prop before?
I love prop and would not drop it, what i do is i shoot 1cc ED mixed with 1 cc of EQ (50mg/ml), all divided into 2 1cc Insulin needles (1/2" - 28 guage) works like a charm, i only shoot tris, bis, shoulders, chest and lats, occasionaly calfs but thos ehurt like MOFO...:D...

Other then that nothing will happen to your receptors, i would run prop for about a week while trying to elevate the test evels wqith omna or sust...after week of shooting those 2 later items you can discontinue the prop...however it is my favorite ester...XXL
There has been some great feedback in these posts. Bottom line "no pain no gain." I will just stick with the prop and not take the risk of changing gear mid cycle.

Thanks for the help
sweatmachine said:
you run EQ thru a 28g slin pin? thats gotta take some time

I agree...I have a hard enough time with a 25g...but that's probably due to the extensive scar tissue that's building up in my quads. :(

25g in other places isn't too bad but still takes a little while.
I warm up the fluid a little bit by running syringe under hot water...makes it go through a bit quiker...but hey i got time, i ain't going

200mg / ml prop ED is going to give you roughly the same blood levels of test as 2cc of 250mg / ml Omna EOD. Simply switching esters will not screw you up if you keep your weekly test dosage the same and spread out according to the half-lives of the esters. Making a clean switch with the sust would require a little front-laoding. OMNA is actually pretty fast acting - its slowest acting ester is actually faster acting than enathate...

Pounding away at muscle that is forming scar tissue with the prop. is not necessary. Rotate sites, dilute with sterile oil or your EQ, warm in a microwave or running warm water over the syringe etc. are all great ideas. Switching to omna would work, as well.

The idea is to be smart about what you are doing, and use that do or die attitude in the gym, rather than when you're jamming a needle in.

I would use the prop, diluted to 100mg / ml splitting it up into <= 2ml shots (e.g. put 2ml in each glute of a 4ml mixture of EQ (2ml of and OMna (2ml of 250mg/ml).

homonunculus said:

200mg / ml prop ED is going to give you roughly the same blood levels of test as 2cc of 250mg / ml Omna EOD. Simply switching esters will not screw you up if you keep your weekly test dosage the same and spread out according to the half-lives of the esters. Making a clean switch with the sust would require a little front-laoding. OMNA is actually pretty fast acting - its slowest acting ester is actually faster acting than enathate...

I agree switching esters will not make much differance here, test is test once it leaes the ester, however i think esters play important and overlooked role...When test enenthate says it's 250mg/ml the actual weight of the test is only 174mg, the rest (76mg) of the wight is ester weight totaly useles for muscle propinate has one of the lightest esters and 250mg of test propinate will actually be around 220mg of test and only 30mg of ester, so essentially you get more bang for your buck...and better results...ohh by the way i belive the new Oman's have the exact same retio as well as ingridients as Sust, meaning it would need front load just as sust...just my 0.02 cents....XXL
Current Stack correction

1 cc of prop = 100 mg/ml ED

1cc of EQ. M, TR = 250cc/mg so twice a week

50 mg whinny tabs ed

Does this chenge your advice?
Since prop stays in the system for 3-4.5 days why not just take it 3 times a week? I can understand about feelings sore. I just started taking 125 mg of fina and 125 mg of prop M-W-F. I am sore. And I gotta say that the whole conversion from synovex is pretty unnerving.