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  1. S

    My transformation

    Congratulations upon your achievements.
  2. S

    Wife/Significant other's response to your increasing size

    Perhaps you and your wife has resolved this issue but in my opinion: men and women aged at a different rate where women tends to age faster than men (most of the time not always) and they tend to be more concern about it than most men; I think women get insecure about relationships/marriages...
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    Let me know what you guys think of me.

    I will let the late great Rodney Dangerfield Speaks for me from the movie "Back to School", when he accidently entered the girl dorm and pull back the shower curtain in one of the girl bathroom (thinking it was his son) and found a beautiful blond girl showering....and I quote "You're Perfect!".
  4. S

    My transformation

    Good story! Inspriing! Thank you for sharing! P.S. Nice webiste.....
  5. S

    Little but better pics

    Don't know what your goals are but you look great.
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    Pics from this past season

    You look great at 39 years, I look forward to see how you do in your upcoming contest though I believe just stepping on the stage makes you a winner and Champion. Good Luck!
  7. S

    another comp pic

    congratulations upon your achievements. How did you place??
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    8 weeks out

    Good luck.
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    Congratulations upon your achievement. If you dont' mind being asked, how did you place in the contest you have posted the picture from?? Take Care,
  10. S

    Who makes this Machine

    That is cool!! Just curious, did you mentioned the brand name.
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    Hey IT Guys

    SuzyQ, I might have mentioned this before, but check to see that you have a mapped link to the new server and perhaps, if you see the old mapping of the previous server; remove that link and with the same letter, map to the new server. My system administrator say "that where the server name...
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    Hey IT Guys

    SuzyQ, Not sure if this will answer your question, please check it out. On your laptop, try the following: Click on "Start" Click on "My Computer" In the "My Computer" dialog box, click on the "Tools" menu at the top and drop down to "Folder Options..", click on it. In the "Folder Options"...
  13. S

    Hey IT Guys

    "I recently changed servers at work, but my automatic synchronization is automatically looking at the old server." Are you referring to your email that is not syncing up to the Exchange Server or are you trying to map network drives off the new Servers or are you trying to VPN into the new...
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    dp's pic

    Good achievement. Just curious, have you posted your training/diet already or perhaps you have a website, where you shared your success in the area of bodybuilding. I iwsh you well in your endeavors.
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    Off to a job proposal

    Good luck! Even if this job is not what you expected, perhaps if this job works within you and your wife's schedule you can pursuit other opportunities later on.
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    I am stepping Down as a MOD

    I hope you will continue to contribute your opinions/views and knowledge as it is an asset to rest of us. Thanks for 'mod'-ing that a word:)
  17. S

    pic of dpsquat

    Thanks for sharing your pics. Good luck in your endeavors.