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  1. P

    M1T/ 1 Test Cyp/ 4AD

    That might be true. But I would run one or the other, the results would be similar and it wouldn't really be cost effective. You could throw any other androgen in there if you wished though. Preferably an aromatizing compound though, since 1-test is a DHT derivative. This is correct. Dbol...
  2. P

    M1T/ 1 Test Cyp/ 4AD

    Pretty much. Since 4AD converts to test, you would use it in a similar fashion. It also acts slightly as a CNS stimulant, so it can help with the lethargy. Does this look ok for a cycle of these two? How many mg/ml is your 4AD cyp and how much do you weigh? What is your previous cycle...
  3. P

    M1T/ 1 Test Cyp/ 4AD

    Never used gear before, but I have used other prohormones in the past. I just started my cycle yesterday, so I'll have to wait and see how it goes. Everything I'm using is made by Designer Supplements, and all the feedback I've read has been very positive. I have a Sust/EQ cycle to run after...
  4. P

    M1T/ 1 Test Cyp/ 4AD

    No point in using M1T and 1 Test cyp at the same time. They are essentially the same compound. I am running a similar cycle right now of 4AD cyp/prop, 5AA cyp, and M1T. After 4 weeks of using the M1T I'm going to switch off to 1-test cyp and let it run for a full 8 weeks. For injectable 4AD...