M1T/ 1 Test Cyp/ 4AD


New member
I am planning my next cycle. Would these stack well together? M1T/ 1 Test Cyp/ 4AD all liquid form LC.

And at what dose of each for a 6 weeker?

It wont be for several weeks but I want to stock up now.

i would guess that 1ml of each per day would do the trick, but I've never used these items (except M1T)
M-1-T and 1- test cyp are not prohormones. They require no conversion in the body to become active.
4-AD is a PH as it converts once in the body to testosterone.
The only advantage to using M-1-T with 1-test cyp would be to "jump start" the cycle the first 2-4 weeks.
4-AD or test would be a good addition to any 1-test cycle to combat lethargy and help w/ libido.
IMO, cypionate esters should be run for at least 8-10 weeks.
Have a good PCT plan as 1-test is quite supressive to your natural testosterone production.
Old guy is very correct in sayin they are NOT prohormones! This is the real deal gentlemen that does not fall under the banned controlled substance act. They are all legal as is every single item you will see sold by all of our sponsors
Ok how about a cycle like this......
week 1-4 15-20 mg M1T ed
Week 1-8 300mg. 4-AD ed
Week 1-8 100mg 1-Test cyp @ ?? inj ed or eod ??
Post cycle with 6-OXO & clomid
Or could you string the 1-T cyp to one inj per week? Are the esters long acting as reg. test cyp. If so It would it be better to go with 500-600 mg per week?

not really sure on how much 1-test cyp dose is normally used , but yes , u can go with the stack u have planned i think , if u have problems with libido , u can up ur dose of 4-ad .. and inject once per week , its enough with cyp ester i think .
No point in using M1T and 1 Test cyp at the same time. They are essentially the same compound.

I am running a similar cycle right now of 4AD cyp/prop, 5AA cyp, and M1T. After 4 weeks of using the M1T I'm going to switch off to 1-test cyp and let it run for a full 8 weeks.

For injectable 4AD, a good dosage is over a gram injected a week. 1-test cyp would be used the same dosage as EQ, so you could do 400-600mg per week.

M1T most people start out at 10mg a day and work up based on their tolerance. If you're over 200lb you could start at 20mg a day though.

Hope that helps.
supersport said:
What kind of results are you seeing? How does it stack up against the other gear you have used? (I am assuming you have used other gear before)

Never used gear before, but I have used other prohormones in the past.

I just started my cycle yesterday, so I'll have to wait and see how it goes. Everything I'm using is made by Designer Supplements, and all the feedback I've read has been very positive.

I have a Sust/EQ cycle to run after this, so I'll see how everything stacks up for sure after I do that :D
Does the 4-AD cyp help with the lethargy and decrease in sex drive you would get from the 1 Test cyp?

Does this look ok for a cycle of these two?

Week one upload 4-AD cyp @ 1500 mg div. into 3 equal inj.
week 2-8 4-AD cyp 1000mg @ 500 twice a week
week 1-8 1- Test cyp 600mg @ 300 twice a week
V-FORCE700 said:
Does the 4-AD cyp help with the lethargy and decrease in sex drive you would get from the 1 Test cyp?

Pretty much. Since 4AD converts to test, you would use it in a similar fashion. It also acts slightly as a CNS stimulant, so it can help with the lethargy.

Does this look ok for a cycle of these two?

V-FORCE700 said:

Week one upload 4-AD cyp @ 1500 mg div. into 3 equal inj.
week 2-8 4-AD cyp 1000mg @ 500 twice a week
week 1-8 1- Test cyp 600mg @ 300 twice a week

How many mg/ml is your 4AD cyp and how much do you weigh? What is your previous cycle experience, is any?

Looks fine otherwise. I am doing a similar dosing pattern. I have 800mg/ml 4AD (100mg 4ad prop/300mg 4ad cyp) and I frontloaded at 1200mg for the first week, and then I'm doing 800mg for the rest of the cycle.
Actually I would imagine that 1-T cyp and M-1-T would react differently seeing as though M-1-T has the methyl attachment. That attachment changes the way a certain chemical reacts in your body...

I believe D-bol is basically EQ with a methyl attachment. I believe I read this a few times b4....Anyone know for sure? Cause I don't want to talk out my ass here! lol.

Anyways if what I'm saying is correct we all know how different EQ and d-bol react in the body...I believe the same is true with 1-T and M-1-T
BiggerStronger said:
Actually I would imagine that 1-T cyp and M-1-T would react differently seeing as though M-1-T has the methyl attachment. That attachment changes the way a certain chemical reacts in your body...

That might be true. But I would run one or the other, the results would be similar and it wouldn't really be cost effective. You could throw any other androgen in there if you wished though. Preferably an aromatizing compound though, since 1-test is a DHT derivative.

BiggerStronger said:

I believe D-bol is basically EQ with a methyl attachment. I believe I read this a few times b4....Anyone know for sure? Cause I don't want to talk out my ass here! lol.

This is correct. Dbol is methylated boldenone.
This will be my first pro/cycle. I am doing a cycle now of Sus250 eod.
I plan on starting this cycle after my PCT . and a few weeks rest from gear.
My mg/ml will be the same as yours as I will go with D S as well. I will prob. go with the pro/sus in place of the 4/adcyp. The prop should kickstart the cycle.
I will be at aroudd 220 lb. at the start and will prob. go up to 1500mg pro-sus/week. It is all going to be trail and error.. I will post a cycle Journal.