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  1. M

    gains from cycle

    He is running it for 10 weeks, i think. I'm not sure if this is his first, i didnt ask. He seemed happy with the gains so far. I just thought that 9 lbs on aas didnt seem like a whole lot, but then agian the doses arent really high so...
  2. M

    gains from cycle

    Ok, i know this guy from the gym who is using 300 mg a week of test, and 250 mg a week of deca. He said he started at 203 lbs and he is into week 6 of the cycle and he only weighs 9 lbs more. Are these good results? For the amount of gear used?
  3. M

    vet gear

    Thanks for the input. I am probably going to try some qv.
  4. M

    New Cycle After much debate

    why do 150 mg test enanthate eod? Also are you trying to add mass or cut up?
  5. M

    vet gear

    what is the best? i've heard the new qv isnt very good, is this true? out of:qv, Ttokkio, Brovel, tornel, and, denkall, what would you pick?
  6. M

    New Members Please Post....

    Well, i'm new here also. I hope to learn alot and give advice to help others. I like the layout of the board and there seems to be some good advice given. my stats are: 21 years old 6ft 225 lbs 13-14% bf I have been lifting for almost 5 years.
  7. M

    Can i buy these in powder form in bulk?
  8. M

    new here/uderground gear

    Well for the source part i havent used him or her yet, but they do have a huge list and they sell all the underground gear from within the US. oh, and they claim to know a US National Competitor, that will help with cycle advice.
  9. M

    new here/uderground gear

    well, i just want to introduce myself and i have a question on underground gear: BLACK LABEL LAB, Golden Triangle Pharmaceuticals ,IP dom, and Trinidad labs; are any of them good?