New Members Please Post....

I second that motion.... I need some new people to joke with..... I have no friends.... :( Please make lonely Crank happy and post... ;)
KidRok said:

Hey KidRok. I've never really introduced myself to you guys so here goes. I'm Ben from Detroit and I live in Scottsdale, AZ. Stats: 6'2, 218 lbs., 23 years, bf% 17? I've been training seriously for almost 2 years straight. Before that it was off and on, but now it is my lifestyle (and I love it). I'm greatful for the mods and members here at musclechem, as you all have the experience and knowledge I can learn a LOT from. I've changed my body so much in the last year it is damn exciting, and it would have never happened without the support of our small community. I read MC everyday, I think it's the best board out there. Its good to be aboard.
sirben187 said:
hey no problem... I take it your in Canada crank, you ever been to Windsor?

he isnt allowed out of his house. if youve ever seen pulp fiction, just think about the guy thats trapped in that store all dressed up in leather...thats crank...:D
LMAO.....MM that killed me!
Ben nice to have you aboard and even better that you're not afraid to contribute!
KidRok said:
LMAO.....MM that killed me!
Ben nice to have you aboard and even better that you're not afraid to contribute!

If it's a chance to make fun of me..... he wouldn't miss it for the world.... LOL

No I have never been to Windsor.... been to cities close to it tho...
"Bring out the gimp"

Windsor is a good time, a college town with a 19 year old drinking age and a plethora of strip clubs. My sister may be moving to montreal for school at McGill University.
Hello My name is Dan and I am a Cancer. I love lifting and playing with dolls. I would love someone to go on long walks with and talk about my new computer friends.
Re: Re: New Members Please Post....

sirben187 said:
Hey KidRok. I've never really introduced myself to you guys so here goes. I'm Ben from Detroit and I live in Scottsdale, AZ. Stats: 6'2, 218 lbs., 23 years, bf% 17? I've been training seriously for almost 2 years straight. Before that it was off and on, but now it is my lifestyle (and I love it). I'm greatful for the mods and members here at musclechem, as you all have the experience and knowledge I can learn a LOT from. I've changed my body so much in the last year it is damn exciting, and it would have never happened without the support of our small community. I read MC everyday, I think it's the best board out there. Its good to be aboard.

Glad you're here, Bro. Keep up the good work, Ben!!!

I'm new here too! I came across this board a couple months back while looking for info on igf. Since then I've grab some from LC, got a pair of sweet lifting straps from APT, and thrown on a good 10 pounds of quality mass during my current cycle. :D

I don't post much as I'm at the gym 14 hours a day (a trainer), but I do read the site almost everyday and do post when I think I have something to contribute. As a thank you for all the great info and sponsors, I'm currently documenting my latest chemical experiment in the cycle forum. I hope some of your members find it helpful.

Thanks everyone.

PS - good to see some fellow Canuks on the board. ;)
217 18%bf (FatAss)
I am trying to get back in the game.
I am studying biochem at the moment.
I am very busy with college but i do drop by the board atleast once or twice.
I am planning on doing a cycle soon to bulk
At the moment i am cutting naturally with CKD.
Hi All
My name is Randy. I am 42 and have been lifting off and on for 25 years. I got fairly big back some 18 years ago after a cycle of Test cyp. Right after the cycle, I fell on ice and dislocated my knee. Out for almost a year. I have had several injuries in the last few years, had spurs removed from both shoulders.

I enjoy ATV's, Kayaking, Backpacking..ect
I am an aircraft flight line mechanic. 20yrs

I just finished a cycle ofsus/prop.
Week’s 1-8 sus eod
9-10 100mg prop eod.
pct clomid.

5'11" 220lbs
bf% ??

This board has helped me very much.
A big Thanks to those of you that have answered questions and made comments about my cycle and helped steer me in the right direction.
Well, i'm new here also. I hope to learn alot and give advice to help others. I like the layout of the board and there seems to be some good advice given.

my stats are:
21 years old
225 lbs
13-14% bf

I have been lifting for almost 5 years.
Hello everyone.
Well I guess I actually never really introduced myself.
I lurked for a while and joined 5-6 months ago.
44 years old
Started lifting at age 36, pretty consistent the past 4 1/2 years.
Currently three weeks into a M-1-T, 1-test cyp, 4-AD cyp cycle.
I'll try to post it up when I have more time.
whats up everybody, im not really sure if i introduced my self but here goes. my name is dan and im 26 from new 5 10 and right around 240 at 15% body fat. my current cycle is weeks 1-24 750 mgs qv test e, weeks 1-16 600 mgs qv eq, weeks 1-4 50 mgs ed d bol weeks 8-12 100 mgs of anadrol ed and weeks 18- 24 75 mgs of fina eod (homemade). pct clomid,nolva and lc igfr3. outher than work and training i spend most of my time on this board . d
What's up,

I used to be here all the time, as Occam if any of you remember.

Anyway I have been sporadic at best with regard to training etc over the past year and a half.

Coming back to the boards is part of my commitment to get back to raw.

Just ordered 80% of what I'll need in the next six months this afternoon....I'm so psyched that I had to come by muslechemistry to say whats up.

I'm shrt on time right now but I'll be around a lot in the coming months, and will do a full journal as I go with a VERY interesting couple (2) of cycles.
