1. Presser

    Beginners Masteron Cycle

    Beginner Masteron Cycle This masteron / test cycle is going to be perfect for those who want to create sustainable lean muscle tissue. It’s worth noting that your body fat percentage should ideally already fall into the 10% or below category if you want to experience the most optimal results...
  2. drtbear1967

    Determining normal T levels

    Most doctors don't measure testosterone. Historically, it just hasn't been part of the standard health panel, but it should be. If they do measureT levels, they'll almost always measure something called total testosterone, which is a measurement of the total amount of T flowing through your...
  3. D


    Any of you other over 40 guys love Tren like I do. Every time I use it, I look in the mirror and can't believe it's me, just big and separated, veins everywhere. I'm prob too old (52) to be messing with this stuff, but damn, it's amazing. Low test, maybe 200 mg a week, Mast maybe 500 mg a week...
  4. M

    New Cycle Soon

    Hello everyone, So this will be my next cycle, would love to hear what you guys think about it : Goal is to add mass New cycle Week 1-16: Test E 600mg / w Week 1-6: Anadrol 50mg ed Week 1-6: NPP 500 /w Week 8 - 13 Tren A 50mg ( first time ever using tren ) total 6 weeks only Adex 0.5mg...
  5. drtbear1967

    What about those Carbs?

    🔹In our entire body we have only have about 2,000 calories worth of carbs stored. About 400 calories or 100 grams of that is in our liver as glycogen. The other 1600 are spread across all the muscles in our body (400 grams). - ⬇️It’s important to know that only the muscles being trained will...
  6. drtbear1967

    4 day Upper and Lower Body Split

    Most commonly, this training split involves 4 workouts a week with each session dedicated to upper and lower-body training in alternating succession, like this: . • Monday: Upper Body . • Tuesday: Lower Body . • Thursday: Upper Body . • Friday: Lower Body . Pros: For most lifters, training each...
  7. blacktail

    8 week update

    So I have made it 8 weeks on test E at 600 and deca at 400 and i can tell you that this is my best cycle by far! In the past I have only ran test at 500 and deca at 300. This definitely seems to be the sweet spot for me. Been eating between 3500 4000 calories a day so I'm not blowing up but I'm...
  8. blacktail

    What to expect

    Ok I'm finally going to run some igf-1! I'm currently on week 8 of test 600 a week and deca at 400 a week. Still waiting on my Tbol I was going to run the last 8 weeks but that is another story. So knowing what I'm currently taking what do you think from your experience I should expect from...
  9. blacktail

    ordered today!

    Place my order for prop today! Never done prop so I was thinking ED 75mg for 6 weeks along with rest E at 600 and deca at 400 for 16 weeks. Should have some good mass gains from that!
  10. Mountain_Man

    Primobolan Depot Not a “Weak” Steroid

    contrary to common opinion, Primobolan really is not a weak steroid, at least not on a milligram for milligram basis. It certainly is not weak in terms of anabolic effect versus side effects. It is a good performer in these regards. However, because the oil solubility of methenolone enanthate is...
  11. J

    should T 400 hurt???

    I get some T 400 from a friend and goes in as smooth as can be. I was under the assumption it was a painful inj. It's 50mcg iso, 50 phen, 150 cyp, 150 en with 6% ba and bb.
  12. S

    Decisions Decision

    Which would you do.. Test P 600 wk (10 weeks) Tren A 400 wk (10 weeks) Winny 50 day (5 weeks) or Test P 600 (10 week) Mast E 400 (10 week) Winny 50 day (5 week) ive cycled on and off since the late 's 90's but never this combo. 6'2 240 12% right now
  13. M


    Been on cycle for 8 months test e 1000 -500 2x weekly ,tren 400 mg. EOD, first four months DECA 400 mgs 2 x weekly androl first 30 days and Winny last month 50 mg eod. I know I was a fycking idiot running this long but just couldn't stop ..so I really some advice on a pct .. I have nolbadex...
  14. Presser

    Popular Winstrol Cycles for Cutting. Stanozolol Anavar Testosterone and Clen STack

    Winstrol is the world’s most preferred weight loss drug when it comes to losing extra kilos under the belt while preserving lean mass. This synthetic anabolic steroid, derived from Dihydrotestosterone, is an excellent performance enhancing drug for bodybuilders and strength athletes who want to...
  15. T

    WINSTROL 101

    When it comes to amateur and professional sports, performance enhancing drugs such as Winstrol are admired worldwide within the sports realm and with non-athletes as well. This is not just because drugs like Winstrol can help sportsmen and non-sportsmen get a hard chiseled and ripped look, but...
  16. guardianactual

    Q&A W/ IFBB Pro masteron and proviron

    Q. is masteron and proviron enuff protection from estrogen problems if im use 500mg test e per week or 500 test e and 400 primo or 500 test and 400 eq. i know its hard to say but will i still need arimidex? A. i do not count on either of them for estogen protection. i would use a low dose AI...