
  1. Masher59


    SermorelinSermorelin Acetate, also known as GRF 1-29, is a Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) produced by the brain that stimulates the production and release of Growth Hormone (GH). Sermorelin Acetate was first developed in the 70s, which is thought to be the shortest fully functional...
  2. akn

    Clostebol Explained (4-chloro-testosterone)

    by Anthony Roberts Clostebol is an old anabolic steroid that wasn’t very popular outside of the former German Democratic Republic. In it’s original incarnation, it was known as Megagrisevit-Mono, and was comprised of the parent hormone clostebol (4-chloro-testosterone) attached to the acetate...
  3. Iron Game

    The Best Oral Only Anabolic Steroid Cycle

    Q: “I want to know how to do an oral-only cycle. My issue is that I will be traveling and staying in close quarters with other people and I will not have the privacy needed to keep vials and needles with me. How can I get excellent results despite using no injectables?” A: That indeed is a very...
  4. Iron Game

    Combining Multiple Steroids into 1 Injection. Test, Deca, Eq...

    Q: “So that I don’t have to inject as many mL of anabolic steroids per week, I’d like to combine the materials of a stack into a single preparation. What combinations are good, what sorts of combinations are pointless, and which should I avoid? What’s a reasonable maximum total concentration?”...
  5. S

    My experience with Landmark chem

    I ordered 100g Tren Acetate from LMC in March , but the testing result was not good . I contacted them and told them the quality was not good . LMC promised to send me 50g Tren Acetate as compensation, but i just received 25g Tren Acetate , they didn’t send me the rest 25g Tren Acetate , so i...
  6. Iron Game

    Tren side effects all down to Dosage?

    By Bill Roberts Q: “I’m very interested in trenbolone because of all the positive reports on it, and you obviously are a big booster of tren. But I’ve also seen many accounts of the problems it can cause: relationship problems, aggression problems, anxiety problems, and sleep problems! What are...
  7. Presser

    Trenbolones Relationship to IGF-1 and Why its the Superior Muscle Building Steroid for any Cycle (cut or bulk)

    The Ultimate STEROID of STEROIDS Trenbolone Acetate is hands down the strongest injectable anabolic steroid for muscle gains and crazy strength gains. So much more needs to be learned about Trenbolone acetate that numerous studies are being done on this drug as we speak!. This steroid profile...
  8. Presser

    Effect of the implant preparations Filaplix-H, Raglo, Synovex-H and Synovex Plus.

    Hormone contents in peripheral tissues after correct and off-label use of growth promoting hormones in cattle: effect of the implant preparations Filaplix-H, Raglo, Synovex-H and Synovex Plus.Lange IG1, Daxenberger A, Meyer HH. Author information Abstract<abstracttext>Certain hormonal growth...
  9. Presser

    Trenbolone acetate concentrations

    trenbolone acetate found in soil samples for up to 8 weeks from beefing up cattle! Get your bucket and shovel boys! lol The fate of trenbolone acetate and melengestrol acetate after application as growth promoters in cattle: environmental studies. The steroids trenbolone acetate (TbA) and...
  10. Presser

    Large amounts of Trenbolone acetate hormone residue in the live stock you eat! lmao

    I will summerize what this is about, Are you the consumer ingesting trenbolone acetate hormone residue from treated heifers aka live stock, aka the fucking meat you eat. steak! pubmedPharmacological and endocrinological studies on anabolic agents.Abstract<abstracttext>When used in connection...
  11. D

    Trenbolone Acetate Raw Powder Picture

    TRENBOLONE ACETATE- melting point= 94-97C <tbody style="box-sizing: border-box;"> Chemical Names: Trenbolone acetate; 10161-34-9; Finaplix; Trenbolone 17-acetate; Component T-S; UNII-RUD5Y4SV0S; Molecular Formula: C20H24O3 Molecular Weight: 312.40276 g/mol </tbody>
  12. Iron Game

    FAQ MENT or Trestolone (Methylnortestosterone) Acetate

    Trestolone (Methylnortestosterone) Acetate FAQ Trestolone Acetate (MENT) FAQ (17 beta-hydroxy-7 alpha-methylestr-4-en-3-one acetate) What sides can I expect? Nearly every user reports an almost immediate increase in core body temperature. Some users also report significant water retention in...
  13. Iron Game

    CUT CYCLE-Testosterone Propionate -Drostanolone Propionate - Trenbolone Acetate

    EXAMPLE CUT CYCLE Substance: Testosterone Propionate -Drostanolone Propionate - Trenbolone Acetate Effective dose: 150-300 mg in every other day Use for: 4 - 12 weeks Cut Stack is composed of 3 different products: Testosterone Propionate -Drostanolone Propionate - Trenbolone...
  14. cybrsage

    Tri-Tren, has anyone tried it?

    I have recently received some Tri-Tren and am planning on using it. I was curious what you all thought about it. Tri-Trenbolon - 150mg/ml Chemical Name: Blend of 3 Trenbolones (Acetate, Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, Enanthate) Dosage: 300-600mg/week Active time: 8-14 days Class...
  15. Presser

    Tren Ace Sludge at bottom of Vial.

    Anyone here every get that thick sludge shit at the bottom of their vial of trenbolone acetate? Like the filler shit settled from not being filtered properly? My real question is what exactly is that shit
  16. akn

    The Perfect Oral-Only Anabolic Steroid Cycle primobolan winstrol dianabol

    Q:“I want to know how to do an oral-only cycle. I’ve been following your writing since the old days and know that you really don’t care for oral only cycles, and have said more than once that if a person is afraid to use a needle then they’re not ready to use anabolic...
  17. Presser

    Primobolan, Winstrol, Dianabol, Anavar Oral Only Steroid Cycle

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 26px; ">Primobolan, Winstrol, Dianabol, Anavar and How to Use An Oral Only Steroid Cycle Most Effectively.By Bill Roberts </header>Q:“I want to know how to do an oral-only...
  18. Nikon

    Trenbolone Acetate: King of Kings!

    I've never tried Tren because I've heard a few too many horror stories about some pretty harsh sides. Well, I have decided that the only way I'm going to find out how it treats me is to try it out. I'll be giving it a go pretty soon, and I thought it would be cool to share a little info with...
  19. GOTGrowth

    EP Test Prop/Tren Ace BLEND ONLY

    Purity Source Labs now has brand new in stock. Euro Pharmacies TEST PROPIONATE/TRENBOLONE ACETATE 100 BLEND! Each vial contains 10ML Each ML contains Testosterone Propionate - 50mg/ml Trenbolone Acetate - 50mg/ml WAITING FOR SOME REVIEWS!