
  1. The Dude

    HRT and Anti Aging age minimum?

    Do any of you know what the minimum age is to get on HRT? If a 22 year old kid comes in with 100ng/dl on a blood test can he get a script for HRT? What about GH? I think I was 27 when I got on HRT and my PA said I was pushing it.
  2. Iron Game

    Grow Young with HGH

    Grow Young with HGH The most abundant hormone made by the pituitary gland is human growth hormone, also called somatotrophin. Growth hormone production hits its peak during adolescence. Most HGH is secreted into the bloodstream in brief bursts, and most HGH secretion takes place during the...
  3. Iron Game

    Growth Hormone Secretagogues Fat Attack

    Growth Hormone Secretagogues Fat Attack Growth hormone (GH) has long been considered the hormonal Fountain of Youth.1 In addition to aiding in tissue repair and bioenergetics, GH also has potent anabolic and lipolytic properties that are of particular interest to bodybuilders and athletes.2...
  4. Presser

    Longer Telomeres with Higher Insuline-like growth factor-1 Levels IGF-1 Lr3 Longevity

    Fot those who arent sure what telomeres are, its highly recommended you research them. Then you'll better understand why IGF-1 lr3 is touted as the fountain of youth, and why so many claims have been made as to how well IGF-1 works in reversing the aging process. Yes Reversing, Not just slowing...
  5. Presser

    Longer Telomeres with Higher Insuline-like growth factor-1 Levels IGF-1 Lr3 Longevity

    Fot those arent sure what telomeres are, its highly recommended you research them. Then you'll better understand why IGF-1 lr3 is touted as the fountain of youth, and why so many claims have been made as to how well IGF-1 works in reversing the aging process. Yes Reversing, Not just slowing down...
  6. Iron Game

    The Big Benefits of Cialis for Bodybuilding

    When a lot of guys think of a drug like Cialis, the first thing that comes to mind is trouble getting an erection. They probably think it’s some pill that is made for old men or guys with erectile dysfunction. This is probably a thought that would come to mind even quicker if they saw it...
  7. Iron Game

    Growth Hormone and IGF-I: Two Might Be Better than One for Muscle Growth

    Growth Hormone and IGF-I: Two Might Be Better than One for Muscle Growth Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) are powerful anabolic hormones that promote muscle growth and fat use. During the 1980s, as part of the space program, Dr. John Linderman from the University of...
  8. Presser

    Researchers may have discovered fountain of youth by reversing aging in human cells

    Researchers in Japan have found that human aging may be able to be delayed or even reversed, at least at the most basic level of human cell lines. In the process, the scientists from the University of Tsukuba also found that regulation of two genes is related to how we age. The new findings...
  9. Pushtoday

    Steroids, Aging, and Paying Attention to Your Overall Health

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box;"><time class="entry-time" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2015-03-27T02:51:58+00:00" style="box-sizing: border-box;">March 27, 2015</time> By John Doe </header>I have written and erased this article a few times now. I had started to...
  10. Iron Game

    Growth hormone-releasing hormone and growth hormone secretagogues in normal aging

    Growth hormone (GH) secretion declines with aging, and parallels between normal aging and the signs and symptoms of adult GH deficiency have led to interest in the potential utility of replacing or stimulating GH to promote physical and psychological function and to prolong the capacity for...
  11. Stickler*


    IS GETTING OLD A DISEASE? DRUG RESEARCHERS ARE TRYING TO CONVINCE THE FDA THAT THE ANSWER IS YES By Alexandra Ossola - Posted 5 hours ago Aging isn't easy -- On June 24, researchers will meet with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a very specific reason: they want to test a drug that...
  12. Presser

    HOW HGH delays Aging. Growth Hormone converts to IGF-1 insulin-like growth factor-1

    HGH And Aging Read the Following article on "HGH And Aging". Aging is an inevitable stage of our life. However, aging may differ from one person to another. Specialists in the anti-aging field have done their best to know the reason why some people age earlier than other people. Genes are one...
  13. Presser

    What Dosage Human Growth Hormone Reverses the Signs of Aging? 1 I.U. = 50k ng natural

    What Dosage of the Human Growth Hormone Reverses the Signs of Aging? The human growth hormone is an indispensable component of the processes of growth, development and metabolism. Consequently, HGH supplements and products are gaining considerable popularity to help maintain optimum health and...
  14. Metal85

    Exercise Most Effective Weapon Against Aging

    Keeping active may be the secret to staying young for both mice and men. Researchers from Canada’s McMaster University discovered that endurance exercise could halt the aging process in a group of mice, even though they were genetically engineered to age faster. These furry creatures continued...