
  1. Iron Game

    Blasting the Triceps for Massive Arms

    Blasting the Triceps for Massive Arms <ins id="aswift_0_expand" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; font-family: inherit; vertical-align...
  2. Iron Game

    The Importance of Adequate Recuperation For Faster Gains

    The Rest is Up to YouThe Importance of Adequate Recuperation For Faster Gains Getting enough rest after weight training is essential for optimal muscle growth and performance. Unfortunately, many get insufficient rest because they simply disregard the fact that weightlifting breaks down...
  3. Presser

    Steroid Pharmacology absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of drugs within the body.

    <center style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">Pharmacology </center> Pharmacology is the area of science concerned with drugs and their exerted effect on biological systems. Pharmacokinetics, a sub-branch of pharmacology, is the study of the processes of absorption...
  4. Iron Game

    Testosterone Therapy for Women

    Until fairly recently the mere suggestion of using the essentially male hormone testosterone to treat female patients would have been considered out of the question by the majority of the medical profession. However, with leading pharmaceutical company Procter & Gamble announcing the development...
  5. 3J

    Food Density and Digestion Speed by 3J

    Understanding Food Density and Digestion Speed By 3J 3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level. There is a very simple formula for nutrition and the gaining/losing of weight, calories in vs. calories out. If you want to gain weight your caloric intake is...
  6. Iron Game

    ALL DRUGS - two of the most disrespectful words a gym warrior can hear

    “All drugs”— two of the most disrespectful words a dedicated gym warrior can hear. It happens every day, at gyms in all neighborhoods. The bodybuilder walks through the club, arms busting through his shirt, lats flaring, traps to his ears, legs like tree trunks, trains twice a day, never misses...
  7. Iron Game

    Creating Your Own Bacteriostatic Water

    When creating bacteriostatic water, I go with the standard 0.9% benzyl alcohol to 99.1% water ratio. I wouldn't increase/decrease it without being more knowledgeable about what you're doing than I am in regards to solubility in benzyl alcohol (I wish I could find such numbers and post it here)...
  8. Iron Game

    Training for Strength, Powerlifting or Power Bodybuilding

    Strength training, powerlifting, or generally training for high weight and low reps is something I feel is ignored and often times shunned by the fitness world. Bodybuilding types find themselves using lowing weight for high reps and in my opinion selling themselves short. I have experimented...
  9. Iron Game


    Front loading is a process to saturate your receptors with the peak dose from week one to ensure stable blood levels instead of it taking several weeks to peak like most long esters,this is why most people don't feel the effect of a long ester until its built up substantial amount in the blood...
  10. eswol

    Thanks Mass Builder

    Two thumbs up for MB, thanks for getting my order to me so quick....ordered last Sunday and received my order Saturday. Their gear is very legit and good to go, can't beat their prices, quality and free shipping....and maybe most of all no minimum order amount. If you haven't tried their gear...
  11. akn

    Effectiveness of Anabolic Steroids on Building Different Muscle Groups

    Q: “I have some lagging muscle groups, particularly triceps, traps, and hamstrings. Do some*anabolic steroids*work better for some muscles than for others? Are there ones I should choose to target any or all of these?” A: If there is a difference between anabolic steroids on effectiveness with...
  12. akn

    Understanding the Androgen Receptor

    Androgens were first discovered in 1936. Since then, testosterone and many other anabolic steroids have been successfully synthesized. There would be a forty-five year period between the discovery of the first androgen and scientists locating the androgen receptor in muscle. Due to a lack of...
  13. akn

    The Perfect Oral-Only Anabolic Steroid Cycle primobolan winstrol dianabol

    Q:“I want to know how to do an oral-only cycle. I’ve been following your writing since the old days and know that you really don’t care for oral only cycles, and have said more than once that if a person is afraid to use a needle then they’re not ready to use anabolic...
  14. D

    Strength Training 101

    Strength training, powerlifting, or generally training for high weight and low reps is something I feel is ignored and often times shunned by the fitness world. Bodybuilding types find themselves using lowing weight for high reps and in my opinion selling themselves short. I have experimented...