
  1. Stickler*

    Anabolic androgenic steroids accelerate brain aging

    Brain imaging reveals long-term effects March 25, 2021 Source : Elsevier Summary: Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), a synthetic version of the male sex hormone testosterone, are sometimes used as a medical treatment for hormone imbalance, and its use is known to have many side effects...
  2. N

    Steroids: Why They Should Be Legal

    WHEN STEROIDS ARE MADE LEGAL, WHAT HAPPENS? I have a buddy who lives in Mexico, where steroid use is allowed. Let me tell you something. There is no steroid problem in Mexico. The problem doesn't even raise an eyebrow. Anyone, including a 15-year-old soccer player, may stroll into a pharmacy...
  3. N


    SKINNY GUYS HAVE TWO OPTIONS. There are two options for skinny guys: Accept their fate and spend the rest of their lives looking skinny and feeble. Take action to correct the situation. Consume extra calories. Work hard in the gym. Gain weight and turn their body into a suit of armor. The...
  4. N

    Elite Powerlifter’s Muscle Fiber 22% Larger Than a Rhino’s

    New muscle fiber research reveals dramatic changes in morphology after decades of training. Where do strength and size have their upper limits? In the field of fitness and strength sports, we're living in an exciting moment. Lifting and participating in strength sports is becoming...
  5. drtbear1967

    Insulin and its use

    Bodybuilding is an extreme sport in which higher level competitors often go to great lengths to excel. While some prefer to stick to natural methods of building muscle, others turn to pharmaceuticals such as anabolic androgenic steroids and insulin. Though people traditionally use insulin only...
  6. N

    BCAA Supps: Are They Bunk?

    The workout supplement and protein supplement is a multibillion dollar industry right now. Chances are, if you’ve been on the fitness side of the internet, you’ve probably heard of BCAAs and all the magic that they give. Amino Acids BCAAs, or branched chain amino acids, are part of the 20...
  7. Steroidify Rep

    💧 Pro tip: Want to build and keep more muscle? Stay hydrated! 🥛

    ❕Did you know that, specially after you lift, taking in enough fluid can be the difference between muscle gained and an opportunity lost? 💡Recent research has debunked the myth that you need to eat immediately after training (in the so-called nutrient window), but more and more importance has...
  8. Steroidify Rep

    💧 Pro tip: Want to build and keep more muscle? Stay hydrated! 🥛

    ❕Did you know that, specially after you lift, taking in enough fluid can be the difference between muscle gained and an opportunity lost? 💡Recent research has debunked the myth that you need to eat immediately after training (in the so-called nutrient window), but more and more importance has...
  9. Steroidify Rep

    💊 Pharma tip: how much does Clen increase the basal metabolic rate?

    Everyone knows that Clenbuterol has a powerful effect on weight and fat loss due to the adaptation of beta adrenergic receptors... But exactly how much does it increase the basal metabolic rate? 👨🏼*🔬 Answer: Clenbuterol has been evaluated in a large number of clinical trials (just like its...
  10. Steroidify Rep

    💊 Pharma tip: how much does Clen increase the basal metabolic rate?

    Everyone knows that Clenbuterol has a powerful effect on weight and fat loss due to the adaptation of beta adrenergic receptors... But exactly how much does it increase the basal metabolic rate? 👨🏼*🔬 Answer: Clenbuterol has been evaluated in a large number of clinical trials (just like its...
  11. D

    Caffeine boosts oxandrolone key point of study use caffeine with orals

    Imagine: you're a careful user of anabolic steroids. You occasionally take a course of oxandrolone only, and that's all you want. If this is your way of doing things, then Portuguese doping researchers may have discovered something that'll interest you. They suspect that you can get more out of...
  12. drtbear1967

    Eriobotrya Japonica extract(Loquat)

    Eriobotrya Japonica extract(Loquat) is a natural anabolic/anti-catabolic that work by manipulating certain genes that are responsible for processes like building/wasting muscle. Ursolic acid is one of the many bioacitves in Loquat that has been shown to increase muscle strength. Loquat activates...
  13. drtbear1967

    Train the same muscle 2 days in a row.

    Train the Same Muscle Two Days in a Row? – You CAN train the same muscle group two days in a row. This method of double stimulation prolongs muscle protein synthesis, leads to enhanced feedback in muscle, and triggers greater muscle responsiveness. The second session is there to enhance the...
  14. gandhisays

    Proper Ostarine Dosage and Cycles

    Proper Ostarine Dosage and Cycles Those who take Ostarine do so for one of three reasons: bulking, cutting, or body recompositioning. The doses and cycle lengths vary based upon your specific needs. For Bulking: Ostarine is arguably at its best when used during a bulking cycle as a...
  15. drtbear1967

    Muscle Recovery - Heat or Ice

    An ongoing debate in sports sciences is whether cold or heat therapy is more effective for improving recovery. Although the studies we have on the topic are not conclusive, there are a few interesting findings that I would like to share with you. - When it comes to heat therapy, a 2017 study on...
  16. Presser

    Testosterone Suspension Guide - Dosage , Duration and Results

    Testosterone-Suspension As by its nature Testosterone-Suspension functions by the same mode of action as all testosterone compounds. As Suspension, as it is commonly referred has no ester attached the entire mass of the compound is pure testosterone. For example, Testosterone-Propionate...
  17. Steroidify Rep

    New brand - BioTeq Labs

    Hello friends and forum members. Steroidify presents a new brand. BioTeq Labs has over 20 years experience in Anabolic Products. They follow GMP practice in Pharmaceutical production. All products are tested for dosages and bacteria, and come with corresponding batch numbers. Please click...
  18. drtbear1967

    GDA from Chemix

    Insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the body and capable of adding copious amounts of lean mass to your physique. One of the lesser talked about effects of taking a glucose disposal agent(GDA) is that not only can it help create an extremely anabolic environment by shuttling carbs and EAA...
  19. Josh Hodnik

    hGH vs IGF-1 For Muscle Growth Q and A with Dave Palumbo

    by Josh Hodnik In comparison to just a decade ago, there is a much better understanding today of how growth hormone (GH) and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) affect the human body. While there is a greater understanding regarding these peptides, there are still many unknowns. Much of the...
  20. Q

    hGH vs IGF-1 For Muscle Growth Q and A with Dave Palumbo

    by Josh Hodnik In comparison to just a decade ago, there is a much better understanding today of how growth hormone (GH) and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) affect the human body. While there is a greater understanding regarding these peptides, there are still many unknowns. Much of the...