
  1. Muscle mechanic

    A steroid becoming popular Test-1-cyp (DHB)

    There has been alot of noise out there of Dehydro-Boldenone (test-1-cyp) Alot of info out there wrong. I seen DHB (test-1-cyp) Confused with Boldenone cyp. Boldenone Cyp is EQ version with faster cyp ester! DHB (test-1-cyp) is a steroid of it own. Boldenone converts to dehyro-boldenone in our...
  2. V

    genuine or fake.

    hi i would like to know if L A anabolic gear are real or fake .
  3. Presser

    Dragon Pharma

    Dragon Pharma counterfeited a lot? Just curious if they have any type of refrence guide to see if what you have is real dragon pharma or some knock off anabolic lab
  4. drtbear1967

    Why you need to know about Prolactin and Progesterone

    Prolactin and Progesterone: two hormones that are frequently confused among the anabolic steroid using bodybuilding community. These two hormones start with the letter P, and that’s where the confusion primary comes from, but that’s also where their similarity ends. Let’s first take a look at...
  5. drtbear1967

    Testosterone - What you need to know.

    What Is Testosterone? What Does It Do? How Does It Work?The first step towards the beginnings of understanding anabolic steroids and how they operate is through the thorough understanding of Testosterone itself. Quite literally, all anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of Testosterone, or...
  6. Presser

    Cytomel - Thyroid, Clenbuterol and stanozolol . Bodybuilding Cutting cycles.

    Cutting Steroids - Winstrol, Clenbuterol, and CytomelAthletes who are looking to get lean, or "ripped", usually will incorporate winstrol, clenbuterol or cytomel into the schedule. Even though clenbuterol and cytomel are not anabolic steroids, because they are prescription drugs, and popular in...
  7. Presser

    primobolan, anavar, and wonstrol, among the safest steroids for side effects

    primobolan, anavar, and wonstrol, among the safest steroids for side effects Winstrol 17aa steroid oral or injectable Winstrol is the number one most popular cutting steroid in the world for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, it is widely available and affordable – two things that are...
  8. Presser

    Natural female physiques versus women who use anabolic steroid.

    Even though men and women have distinguishable characteristics, you might come across some woman who look like they're built like a man because of drug-enhancing supplements combined with a substantial amount of bodybuilding. Bodybuilding requires resistance training to control and build up...
  9. Presser

    Anabolic Steroids and cardiovascular complications in bodybuilders

    It all started when a 60-year-old bodybuilder ignored his doctor's advice to stop using hazardous anabolic steroids, prior to a weightlifting competition. In addition, he was taking testosterone replacement treatments plus stem cell infusions, gotten illegally from his trainer. The result: A...
  10. A

    What is Nandrolone powder and how it work on human body

    Specification Name: Nandrolone powder CAS: 434-22-0 Molecular Formula: C18H26O2 Molecular Weight: 274.4g Melt Point: 120-125 °C Storage Temp: RT Color: White powder Description Nandrolone, also known as 19-nortestosterone, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) which is used in the form...
  11. drtbear1967

    Why you need sleep.

    You don’t grow muscles in the gym. The muscle-building process begins when you put the weights down and your recovery begins. The most important part of this recovery occurs during sleep. Groundbreaking new research by Dr. James Maas has demonstrated that athletes require even more sleep than...
  12. drtbear1967

    Primo or Primobolan

    Primo or Primobolan is the injectable version of the steroid methenolone. In this preparation, an enanthate ester is added to the steroid, which causes a slow and gradual release from the site of injection. Its duration of activity would thus be quite similar to Testosterone enanthate, with...
  13. drtbear1967


    Laxogenin is a an all natural plant sterol compound that can be used as a non-hormonal anabolic agent. The main issue with laxogenin is that there are ZERO studies on it! All the crap online about it being the same as Anavar and “increasing protein synthesis 200%” are completely unsubstantiated...
  14. 9

    Strength Wars Final 2k17 - The Faceless VS Anabolic Horse

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  15. S

    What states do drug testing for anabolic steroids?

    for help!!
  16. F

    Where are steroids legal...?

    Where are steroids legal? It’s a common question asked, especially on steroid message boards, and it’s a broad question that holds many more. It’s not enough to ask where are steroids legal, as legality can vary on a few key issues. The right questions to ask would be where is it legal to...
  17. F

    Steroid Side Effects

    Steroid Side-Effects There are many possible steroid side-effects, this is a given. Many of the side-effects of steroids, most are familiar with, such as water retention and acne. Some side-effects of steroids are far more serious than others but let’s keep in mind, none of the steroid...
  18. Iron Game

    On Steroids and Myostatin …UPDATE

    On Steroids and Myostatin … There’s a really interesting paper out of Auburn University.1 It focuses on the effects of two different anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS)— testosterone enanthate and trenbolone enanthate— in rodents, with an emphasis on myostatin. Does the word myostatin ring a...
  19. F


    Prohormones Most anyone, be it a competitor or an avid gym rat wants to reach the best level of performance possible and more times than not thoughts of anabolic steroids enter the mind. After all, for the competitor the better the performance the higher the reward and for the individual who...
  20. Iron Game

    Do You Understand Prolactin and Progesterone?

    Prolactin and Progesterone: two hormones that are frequently confused among the anabolic steroid using bodybuilding community. These two hormones start with the letter P, and that’s where the confusion primary comes from, but that’s also where their similarity ends. Let’s first take a look at...