
  1. Iron Game


    DORIAN YATES Q&A - THE SHADOW SOLVES YOUR PROBLEMS Written by Dorian Yates 14 July 2016 Dorian Yates Q&A - The Shadow Solves Your Problems Hey Dorian, I’m a big fan. What is the right body fat percent for a person in the off-season? My theory is that we all have our own individual “set...
  2. F

    Modern Steroids

    What about a modern steroids. There are a lots kind of testosterones, natural and synt. The pharmacology don’t stop in the sport branch, ’cause sport is money. Every day humanity try to overcome the limit of possibilities human body and steroids drugs, injectiones is way to do it. My trainer and...
  3. 3J

    steroids and why they are not the answer by 3J

    Steroids: Why They Are Not the Answer By: 3J Im sure youre looking at the title of this article and wondering what the heck is going on. No, this is not an anti-steroid article. This article is more like a reality check for those trying to get into the aesthetic hormone game...
  4. Presser

    3 Female Clenbuterol and Cytomel t3 Cycle Protocols with anabolics

    Female Weight loss Cycles with Clenbuterol (clen) & Cytomel (t3) with additional anabolic hormones to prevent muscle waisiting. 1) Clen, winstrol, proviron and Salbutol 6 week weight loss cycle 2) Clen, Anavar, Winstrol and Proviron 6 week lean muscle gain cycle 3) Clen, Winstrol, Cytomel t3...
  5. Presser

    Large amounts of Trenbolone acetate hormone residue in the live stock you eat! lmao

    I will summerize what this is about, Are you the consumer ingesting trenbolone acetate hormone residue from treated heifers aka live stock, aka the fucking meat you eat. steak! pubmedPharmacological and endocrinological studies on anabolic agents.Abstract<abstracttext>When used in connection...
  6. Iron Game


    FIRST, I HAVE NEVER DONE INSULIN. I FOUND THIS ARTICLE AT FG AND THOUGHT IT WAS GOOD INFORMATION FOR ANYONE COMPETING OR HAS A GOOD REASON TO DO SOMETHING SO RISKY, IMO. Either way I love reading about the things others do to gain muscle/lose fat. If I was 12-15 years younger and had a chance to...
  7. 3J

    The Steroid Nutrition Connection by 3J

    THE STEROID AND NUTRITION CONNETION BY: 3J WWW.3JSDIET.COM There seems to be this mythological idea in the amateur bodybuilding community that the use of steroids only allows for temporary muscle gain. In other words, many mistakenly believe that the gains that you see while...
  8. 3J

    The Steroid Nutrition Connection by 3J

    THE STEROID AND NUTRITION CONNETION BY: 3J WWW.3JSDIET.COM There seems to be this mythological idea in the amateur bodybuilding community that the use of steroids only allows for temporary muscle gain. In other words, many mistakenly believe that the gains that you see while...
  9. Presser

    Please Welcome New Site Representative "3J"

    MuscleChemistry member "3J" has joined Team MuscleChemistry as a Site Representative. I wanted to personally thank 3J for joining our team and believe he will be a great asset to our community with his vast knowledge and experience in diet, training, and anabolics. Thank you
  10. 3J

    Steroids and Relationships

    STEROIDS AND RELATIONSHIPS A MATTER OF TRUTH OR DISCREPENCY? By: 3J 3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level. I have had the pleasure of being a mod on a few forums over the years. With that position comes a lot of time spent on the forums. Today I want...
  11. Pushtoday

    Jerry Ward - BioS3Training to leave 5% Nutrition - SARMS

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. Pushtoday

    Bobby Valentine Says Steroids Are Good For Sports, And He's Absolutely Right

    By, Alex Reimer Former big league skipper Bobby Valentine has a penchant for making outrageous statements: he claims to have invented the wrap sandwich, says the Yankees didn’t help out after 9/11 and once threatened to punch a Boston radio host in the mouth because he didn’t like his line of...
  13. Pushtoday

    The Top 5 Richest Modern Body Builders

    by Dakota Gregory on March 1, 2014 1. Jay Cutler – Net Worth: 30 Million The man who takes the number one spot is an individual who triumphs in salary compared to the other four on our list. He has been weight traning since he was 18, he has been entering professional competitions for over...
  14. Pushtoday

    Running tren by itself. (trenbolone)

    Can You Just do Trenbolone? This has become an increasingly common question amongst body builders, weight lifters and athletes who run cycles of Trenbolone and different anabolic steroids. With much advertised listings of various side-effects and warning labels posted on the bottles, these...
  15. Pushtoday

    Steroids In Old School Bodybuilders

    The Reasons Behind Moderate Use Of Steroids In Old School Bodybuilders. Some Motives Really Surprise You. Nowadays most of those who take steroids to increase muscle mass are quite easy to spot due to unnatural look and sign of side effects on their body like acne. The very first question...
  16. Pushtoday

    Benefits of stacking peptides with AAS

    Benefits of stacking peptides with AASFirstly, its common practice today to do cycles of Pro-hormones, these convert into Active steroids in the human body, Designer steroids which are already active and designed to give to the benefits of steroids with less of the sides, (Doesn’t mean they do)...
  17. Pushtoday

    The 20 Week HGH/IGF-1/Insulin Blast

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 26px;">The 20 Week HGH/IGF-1/Insulin Blast<time class="entry-time" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2014-07-23T06:48:22+00:00" style="box-sizing: border-box;">July 23...
  18. Pushtoday

    Grow Taller Using Steroids

    This article post will be one of the most controversial posts on the website so far because of the nature of steroids and the horrible side effects that can have on a person. Let me start out by saying that I have only found anecdotal evidence through stories of people who have grown taller from...
  19. Pushtoday

    Acne-Free Skin And Big Gains

    Bodybuilder’s Guide To Acne-Free Skin And Big Gains By: Seppo Some bodybuilders face a frustrating dilemma. Going to the gym messes up their skin, something known as bodybuilding acne. Unfortunately for acne-prone people bodybuilding and clear skin can be inherently opposing goals. The more...
  20. Pushtoday

    Anabolics for Rehab

    Training Injuries; The Best Anabolics for Rehabilitation of Joints, Ligaments, TendonsThe human body heals itself by blood flow, nutrition, and circulation. Ligaments, tendons and joints have less efficient and abundant blood flow as compared to muscles. The human body being more than 70% water...