
  1. Iron Game

    How Steroids Affect Our Body

    How steroids affect our body Performance enhancement, is the most common goal that drives most athletes to use and abuse steroids. In the quest to be the best at their game, most athletes dose up on steroids, which end up affecting their bodies seriously. Medical wise steroids are meant to help...
  2. D

    Best Supplements

    blah blah blah
  3. drtbear1967

    DMAE - help cognitive function.

    theguerillachemist[/URL]. Dimethylaminoethanol(DMAE) is a nootropic compound naturally found in the body. It is an excellent precursor to choline(gets methylated by SAM) and acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps nerve cells communicate. DMAE can help reduced concentrations of...
  4. Iron Game

    Oxandrolone (brand names Oxandrin, Anavar, Lonavar, others) reverses effects of muscle disease

    Charcot-Marie-Tooth Charcot-Marie-Tooth is a hereditary muscle disease which is a little like Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The difference between the two is that Charcot-Marie-Tooth affects the nerve pathways that connect the brain to the rest of the body. As people with this disease age their...
  5. drtbear1967

    Caffine and TeaCrine - increase in mental acuity

    theguerillachemist <!-- react-text: 60 --> So I've talked about TeaCrine, the trade marked brand for theacrine before, but here are a few updates I received after speaking with the patent-holders of TeaCrine. As I've mentioned, it binds to the adenosine receptor just like caffeine, however...
  6. Presser

    The scent of a woman’s tears wards off men

    Tears of sadness contain a chemical turn-off for men. Like animal tears, human tears may influence the behaviour of others by smell alone. In a pilot experiment Noam Sobel and colleagues at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, asked a group of men to sniff tears before filling...
  7. Iron Game

    Dementia Risk Linked with Common Medications

    Linda J. Dobberstein, Chiropractor, Board Certified in Clinical Nutrition Drugs like Benadryl, Coumadin, Sominex, Klonopin, Detrol, Flexeril, Lasix, and Elavil have something in common. They are in the class of anticholinergic medications. The use of these drugs affects the neurotransmitter...
  8. Presser

    Mind & Muscle Building Efects. Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Vital in Enhanced Neural Function, Greatly Improves Cognition.

    IGF-1 Lr3 Muscle and Mind Building and Strengthening Effects! By now many of us know that the main anabolic muscle building effects that come from Human Growth Hormone is the Insulin-like growth factor-1 that is produced by the liver, by way of the HGH stimulating the liver to produce the...
  9. Presser

    Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Vital in Enhanced Neural Function, Greatly Improves Cognition. IGF-1 Lr3 Brawn & BRAIN!

    IGF-1 Lr3 Brawn and Brain! By now many of us know that the main anabolic muscle building effects that come from Human Growth Hormone is the Insulin-like growth factor-1 that is produced by the liver, by way of the HGH stimulating the liver to produce the insulin-like growth factor-1, making...
  10. Presser

    Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Vital in Enhanced Neural Function, Greatly Improves Cognition. IGF-1 Lr3 Brawn & BRAIN!

    IGF-1 Lr3 Brawn and Brain! By now many of us know that the main anabolic muscle building effects that come from Human Growth Hormone is the Insulin-like growth factor-1 that is produced by the liver, by way of the HGH stimulating the liver to produce the insulin-like growth factor-1, making...
  11. Iron Game

    Grow Young with HGH

    Grow Young with HGH The most abundant hormone made by the pituitary gland is human growth hormone, also called somatotrophin. Growth hormone production hits its peak during adolescence. Most HGH is secreted into the bloodstream in brief bursts, and most HGH secretion takes place during the...
  12. Presser

    insulin-like growth factors in the central nervous system. IGF-1 Lr3 Therapy Increases Neurons

    The role of the insulin-like growth factors in the central nervous system.D'Ercole AJ1, Ye P, Calikoglu AS, Gutierrez-Ospina G. Author information Abstract<abstracttext>Increasing evidence strongly supports a role for insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in central nervous system (CNS)...
  13. Presser

    Resistance to the Hormone Leptin is now believed to be the leading driver of fat gain in humans. Fat Cells Produce Leptin aka Starvation Hormone

    Many people falsely believe that weight gain (and loss) is all about calories and willpower. However, modern obesity research disagrees… and scientists are increasingly pointing their fingers at a hormone called leptin (1). Being resistant to this hormone’s effects (called leptin resistance) is...
  14. Iron Game

    Mental Preformance Enhancement - Nootropics

    What are nootropics? Nootropics or “smart drugs” are defined as any nutritive substance which is thought to improve mental function, including attention, cognition, concentration, memory or motivation. Nootropic literally means “toward the mind.” The actions by which nootropics are purported to...
  15. 9

    The Physiology of a Rear Naked Choke

    The Physiology of a Rear Naked Choke, or: What Happens When You Get Choked Out By Valerie Worthington Coach If you train Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ), chances are you’ve been on the receiving end of a rear naked choke (RNC). You know just by feel that what’s happening isn’t good for you. But...
  16. Presser

    Anyone take nootropics like Phenylpiracetam or Modafinil for brain functions?

    So I've been looking into maybe buying or getting a prescription for nootropics like Modafinil or the phenyl anyone know much about this stuff or have experience taking it? I'm looking for some extra focus at work. Feel like I been getting a little bit of everything done and not a lot of one...
  17. D

    Anabolic Steroids and Depression

    By: Mark J. Occhipinti, M.S., Ph.D., N.D.c Exercise Physiologist Testosterone is thought to be the root of male aggression. Above average levels of testosterone have been observed in incarcerated violent criminals and in athletes engaged in semi-violent sports such as: football, lacrosse, and...
  18. B

    Trenbolone and brain damage?

    In the latest issue of Muscular Development Magazine(March,2015), there is an article in William Llewellyn's column(pg.179) about a study published in the Journal of Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. It was done by Chinese scientists on rats. The rats were given Trenbolone and they studied...