
  1. The Dude

    Gain muscle and lean up cycle

    There seem to be alot of new threads on this lately. Mostly inexperienced guys with very little drug knowledge. So I thought I'd compile a couple things so that maybe we could avoid posting the same thing over and over. 1. People that can gain muscle AND lose bodyfat at the same time are few and...
  2. Masher59

    How much protein do you need to build muscle

    HOW MUCH PROTEIN DO YOU NEED TO BUILD MUSCLE? 0 How much protein do we need to build muscle? are you consuming enough to gain muscle? In this article we talk about how much you should be including in your dietWe all know that protein is one of the most important nutrients when it come to...
  3. Iron Game

    Strongman Training for Improved Muscle Thickness

    Strongman Training for Improved Muscle Thickness ’m sure you’ve all read the latest article on the popular muscle building sites abouthow to develop a fuller, thicker back with “these 2 NEW maximal hypertrophy igniting muscle shocking lifts!” The title lures you in, but when you get inside...
  4. Iron Game

    Boost Strength and Build High Performance Muscle

    <article class="nodeBody" itemscope="" itemtype="" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 16.8px; line-height: 30.24px;"></article>MFT Training: Boost Strength and Build High Performance Muscle Would you like to get stronger...
  5. Iron Game

    Alcohol and Muscle Growth

    Ask The Nutrition Tactician: How Does Alcohol Affect Muscle Growth? By Paul Salter, MS, RD Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 QHOW DOES CONSUMING ALCOHOL POST-WORKOUT IMPACT MUSCLE GROWTH? Whether you're chasing an arm pump before a night on the town or squeezing in a quick workout before a...
  6. Iron Game

    Challenge Youself with Bodyweight Excercises.

    Challenge Youself with Bodyweight Excercises. One thing I’ve never gotten away from are bodyweight exercises. No matter how big I’ve gotten or how many lbs I’ve added to my frame, bodyweight exercises have always been a staple. If you weigh 250 lbs and cannot perform a set of pullups then your...
  7. Iron Game

    Bodybuilding for Women

    "I don't want to workout lifting weights because I don't want to build big muscles " or "I just do aerobics and sit ups to lose weight because if I lift weights, I may build muscle and looked like a man." Ladies. Have you made these comments before? Awww... c'mon ladies, if you have ever...
  8. akn

    Anabolic Steroids and Building Muscle During Endurance Training

    Q: “I understand that heavy training is the key to building muscle, but I have some lagging muscles that just aren’t responding. Sometimes I do a lot of endurance work, but I’ve always avoided that during cycles. Could I get a size benefit from*anabolic steroidswhile doing endurance training?”...

    Why is nobody asking this?

    Everybody is asking about what cycle to take, what product to take, what is the best amount to take. I have even see questions asking what cutting/bulking cycle is best. Everybody responds with there advice and I am willing to bet its from something posted on the Internet. My question is why...
  10. O

    DHT Build up?

    Does anyone know how long it takes winny to build up DHT to start hair lose? I searched a lot of websites and on here but couldn't find anything on this. I have my Naz 2% and was wondering how soon I needed to use it and how often if anyone has experience or knowledge. Thanks:wave:
  11. Pushtoday

    New Member, Pushtoday

    I'm new to the forum and wanted to say thanks for all the help I've received so far. Everyone has been very cool and really helped me build what I know will be a successful first cycle. 5'6" 170 lbs. Early 40s Obviously not going to compete, just want to be a bigger stronger me.:D
  12. A

    The best way to incrase strenght

    no fucking advertising!
  13. D

    Training lies that may be preventing muscle gains

    Most of these statements were prepared with natural bodybuilders in mind, but the basic concepts still hold true, even if *enhanced* bodybuilders can take advantage of improved recovery ability and nutrient shuttling. Stuart McRobert LIE #1: TRAIN MORE OFTEN TO GROW MORE MUSCLE There may...
  14. T


    Im new to the idea of steroids, Im 45, 5'9 , 180lbs and no energy and have developed a good overhang in the waist area. I wanna get rid of the fat and add some mass. Actually wanna get energy back and build upper body but dont know where to start.I have a home gym but cant keep up the drive like...
  15. HackTwat

    What's Your Top 3 Steroids??

    Just like the title says guys and gals..... Name you top 3 favorite Steroids.... Say as little or as much as you like... Mine are: 1.) Testosterone 2.) MC IGF 3.) Masteron With these 3, I can build muscle and stay lean at the same time. I can also throw in my #4 fav, DBOL, for a few weeks at...