
  1. Iron Game

    Weight loss diet while physically inactive speeds up loss of muscle mass

    A few months ago we wrote that a surplus of calories during a period of physical inactivity speeds up muscle breakdown. This finding tempted us to speculate that during a period of inactivity a mild caloric deficit might be the way to hold this in check. If that’s the case, then the caloric...
  2. Iron Game

    Is A Calorie Just A Calorie?

    Before finally getting into a discussion of the different dietary approaches out there, I want to adress one of the bigger points of contention in the dieting literature: is a calorie a calorie? Simply put, the debate comes down to this: all that matters is caloric balance (calories in versus...
  3. Iron Game

    Bulldozer Bodybuilding Bulking System

    Bulldozer Bodybuilding Bulking System Much is said about the subject of bodybuilding bulking. Two primary bulking camps exist: clean and dirty. Clean bodybuilding bulkers believe that you should eat an excess amount of calories, but they should come from healthy sources. Dirty bulkers...
  4. The Dude

    Training frequency and caloric intake

    I notice alot of guys on here train 5-6 days a week and when they are looking for better results they tend to train MORE. I've always noticed better results training less and I also don't have to force feed myself. Like alot of you guys I enjoy training, but aren't we all after results? Have...
  5. 3J

    Food Density and Digestion Speed by 3J

    Understanding Food Density and Digestion Speed By 3J 3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level. There is a very simple formula for nutrition and the gaining/losing of weight, calories in vs. calories out. If you want to gain weight your caloric intake is...