
  1. Iron Game

    Long Term Fat Loss, 1-10

    1. Do some resistive weight training 3 to 4 times a week using short rest periods between sets of 30 to 60 seconds. Work out no longer than 1 hour to keep your anabolic (muscle-building) hormones high and catabolic (muscle-wasting) hormones low. Over-training is a quick way to lose muscle along...
  2. Iron Game

    Common Mistakes Made with Anabolic Steroids

    1. Using Excessive Dosages When taking steroids, the more you take is not always the best way to go. Taking excessive dosages has become a huge problem with steroids today. It isn't only dangerous, but studies have shown it to be ineffective. The body can only use a limited amount of the steroid...
  3. 3J

    recomping using the big 3, jiu jitsu, test, deca, var, and mc igf

    so a few months ago i decided i wanted to keep my current weight and cut down bodyfat to come in stronger for the jiu jitsu competition season.. as an ultra heavyweight (a weight class that is 221lbs and up, with no weight limit) i would regularly gain weight in the competition season (i walk...
  4. Presser

    Maintain your bodyweight with Catabolic foods versus Anabolic Foods!

    CATABOLIC FOODS Catabolic foods burn up more calories than they supply. Catabolic foods are the opposite of Anabolic foods. For example a medium sized apple (which is catabolic), would provide an average of 85 calories, however your metabolism would require an additional 99 more calories to...
  5. Presser

    How to Determine Your Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR Formula for Men and Women.

    What is BMR and How Can I Find My BMR Number? The Number of Calories You Burn Daily While at Rest is Known As Your "BMR" or Basal Metabolic Rate This is the bare minimum required amount of calories you need to perform your daily duties, brush your teeth, drive to work, walk upstairs to office...
  6. 3J

    3Js review and final results, MC's igf-lr3

    aright guys... competition is over.. i lost in the semis thanks to a bad call by the ref, even my opponent agreed.. but shit happensi took bronze... not upset.. ive won 19 gold medals in the last fiscal year ran MC's igf at 50mcg daily for about 3 weeks... here is what i noticed 1. increased...
  7. jimbosmith316

    Chris O’Leary sailor wins bodybuilding championship

    Imagine doing this on military chow! Dressed only in a royal blue bikini, Petty Officer Second Class Chris O’Leary wowed the judges with his elegant posing routine, deeply tanned body, and well-defined muscles in the July 9 B.C. Amateur Body Building Association Championships. Judges assessed...
  8. jimbosmith316

    Advice from Dr. Matthew Tischler bodybuilding champion/chiropractor

    Just got adjusted yesterday! At around the age of 13, I became fascinated with fitness. Maybe it had something to do with the fear of getting bullied or those Charles Atlas ads showing the guy on the beach getting sand kicked in his face and the implication that building my body would...
  9. Iron Game

    Bulldozer Bodybuilding Bulking System

    Bulldozer Bodybuilding Bulking System Much is said about the subject of bodybuilding bulking. Two primary bulking camps exist: clean and dirty. Clean bodybuilding bulkers believe that you should eat an excess amount of calories, but they should come from healthy sources. Dirty bulkers...
  10. 3J

    PCT Specific Dieting: Nutrition for Faster Recovery by 3J

    The PCT Specific Diet: Why Many People Fail in Post Cycle Therapy By 3J Today I would like to discuss a very important topic that seems to be overlooked by most amateur steroid users, post cycle therapy nutrition. Having been a nutritionist on steroid forums for almost a...
  11. Masher59

    $75 Meal Prep Grocery List and Recipe Guide

    Your $75 Healthy Grocery List And Recipe Guide! Not sure you can feed your gains on a limited budget? Learn how to stick to your diet without breaking the bank. Recipes and grocery list included! <tbody> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""...
  12. Masher59

    Fast Food Shakedown: Five Guys

    <header style="box-sizing: content-box;">Fast-Food Shakedown: Five GuysThis burger joint's simple menu hides some hits among the belly busters. <iframe name="f90495744" width="55px" height="1000px" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no"...
  13. Masher59

    6 Best New Ingredients For Shredding

    <header style="box-sizing: content-box;">6 Best New Ingredients For Shredding <iframe name="f12889d1dc" width="55px" height="1000px" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" title="fb:like Facebook Social Plugin"...
  14. Masher59

    Milk Alternatives

    <header style="box-sizing: content-box;">Milk Alternatives It's protein powder's best friend, but what if you can't stomach milk? <iframe name="fd469ac8c" width="55px" height="1000px" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" title="fb:like...
  15. Masher59

    Why You Want to Go Keto!

    <header style="box-sizing: content-box;">Why You Want to Go KetoThe benefits, incentives, and key diet ratios. <iframe name="f3fc6fea8" width="55px" height="1000px" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" title="fb:like Facebook Social Plugin"...
  16. Iron Game

    How the HCG Diet Works

    <center style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-size: medium;">How the HCG Diet Works</center><center> </center> Introduction to the HCG Diet Every year, it seems like the media finds a new diet to tout -- along with the clinics that cater to the fad and customers who...
  17. Iron Game

    Best Bodybuilding Foods-----ADD YOUR OWN

    CHICKEN IS HIGH IN protein AND LOW IN FAT, BUT LEAN RED MEAT PACKS THE MOST PUNCH 1) EGG WHITES Show us a bodybuilder without egg whites in his diet, and we’ll show you someone who’s missing out on the best protein money can buy. Paired with oatmeal, an egg-white omelette can turn your breakfast...
  18. Presser

    Enhance Protein Synthesis with Thyroid Hormones (t3) to Build Muscle While Burning Twice The Fat / Calories!

    cytomel, t3 and t4 THYROID HORMONEs The thyroid is a gland that wraps itself around the larynx just behind the trachea. It produces two active hormones known as triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Triiodothyronine and thyroxine are each composed of two amino acids of tyrosine and only differ by the...
  19. Masher59

    6 Lean Weight Gain Tips

    6 WEIGHT GAIN TIPS WITHOUT GETTING FAT! 0 Try these 6 simple ways that will help you gain weight without getting fat, helping you build a ripped muscular bodyAfter you read this short article, you will have leaned some quick tips to start gaining healthy weight. Here's 6 simple ways on how to...
  20. Masher59

    3 Reasons to Bulk Clean Instead of Dirty

    3 REASONS TO EAT CLEAN CALORIES INSTEAD OF DIRTY CALORIES WHEN BULKING! 0 Team Scivation talk about bulking and why its best to bulk with a clean det and intake healthy calories over dirty calories.This article will go into why one should eat clean calories (healthy, beneficial foods) and...