
  1. D

    How and When to Properly use Clenbuteral

    I often see many mistakes when it comes to dosing protocols for several different compounds, supplements, chemicals, etc. Dosing clenbuterol can be very tricky, and safety as always, should be the primary concern for everyone. I want to convey to everyone how to best safely, properly as well as...
  2. Iron Game

    Prostaglandins: PGE1 & PGE2 Secret to Muscle Building...

    Prostaglandins: PGE1 & PGE2 Secret to Muscle Building... Since World War II one major bodybuilding trend has remained constant: Every year the athletes are both bigger and leaner. Obviously, the athletes who are the champions know some things that the others ignore. In the early 1950s the...
  3. Iron Game

    Cytomel, T-3 amd Clenbuterol Stacking - A Quick Weight LosS

    This is one of my favorite articles. Here is what I have of it. I thought it would be a nice addition Cytomel (Mexican Cynomel) Synthetic T-3 amd Clenbuterol Stacking - A Quick Weight Loss Solution This is to be a far from scientific article, one based, rather, in practical experience in...
  4. pharmacist

    European Pharmaceuticals -PHARM GRADE PCT- worldwide, affordable, fast, trustworthy!

    Last updated list - 31 January. Welcome to European Pharmaceuticals, where you will be able to easily find what you are looking for - legit, real, high quality pharmaceutical grade products for your Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) / On Cycle Therapy. Our products include antibiotics...
  5. O

    Does this DECA DURABOLIN, Test Cyp, CYTOMEL & CLENBUTEROL stack make sense?

    Looking to lose some fat while gaining some lean muscle and strength, can't do Tren. I have not done clenbuterol but will like to give it a try, would like to gain some muscle but would like to control water retention. Would like to read from your experience or what can I improve to better this...
  6. Iron Game

    Why Take Trenbolone Base Instead of Tren A or Tren E?

    Trenbolone Base is a powerful anabolic steroid. It has a couple variants on the market, with themost popular being Tren A and Tren E. While each version of Trenbolone Base has the samehormone, they all function in a different manner, have a different potency and a unique duration inyour system...
  7. Presser

    T-3 Cytomel and Clenbuterol Cycle for cutting weight and body fat fast

    <header class="entry-title" style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); -webkit-transition: color 0.75s; margin-bottom: 1em; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22px; background-color: rgb(34, 34, 34); ">Synthetic T-3 amd Clenbuterol Stacking – A Quick Weight Loss...
  8. Iron Game

    Andreas Munzer's last cycle from Anabolics 2005

    Andreas Munzer's last cycle from Anabolics 2005 This is the last cycle that Andreas Munzer took before he died Weeks 1-10 ephedrine aspirin clenbuterol valium captagon-- scheduled 1 drug in the US, meaning no legitimate medical use-- it is an amphetamine-type stimulant-- cytomel Weeks 1-5...
  9. Iron Game

    GHB: Its Usefulness for Bodybuilders

    GHB: Its Usefulness for Bodybuilders By Michalovich Dharkam GHB is one of the most popular yet clandestine substances used by bodybuilders. In fact, ask any high level competitor willing to divulge his favorite stack, he will probably omit GHB — not that he is lying, but rather he is...
  10. Iron Game

    Q & A with Dan "Guru" Duchaine

    The GURU: Q&A Questions and Answers with the*AAS GURU: Dan Duchaine Question:*I'm a fighter as well as a bodybuilder. I gained 15 pounds using primobolan tabs, and I'm happy. However, next year I'll be competing in kickboxing. Can I pop one or two aggression pills before a fight? I'm normally...
  11. Iron Game

    The Return of Dan Duchaine Interview with Nelson Montana (February 25, 1999)*

    The GURU: Testosterone The Return of Dan Duchaine Interview with Nelson Montana (February 25, 1999)* He's baaack! The one. The only. The original "Steroid Guru," Dan Duchaine is, once again, on the loose and talking to Testosterone. It wouldn't be too much of an overstatement to say that...
  12. F

    T3 and clen first cycle advice

    I've done quite a bit of research for my first t3 and Clen cycle and they all differ here's one of the better ones I found if I could get some advice or tips that would be great! Clenbuterol cycle: Day 1-2: 20mcg Day 3-4: 40mcg Day 5-6: 60mcg Day 7-9: 80mcg Day 10-12: 40mcg Day 13-14: 20mcg...
  13. F


    ive been reading alot about this i just received my first t3 and clen but i want to make sure im taking the right doses and eating right. ive read alot of different cycles. anyone have an tips? anything helps and is greatly appreciated! Day 1 Clen 60mcg / T3 50mcg Day 2 Clen 60mcg / T3 50mcg...
  14. gandhisays

    10 Popular steroids to be considered whether for bulking phase or cutting cycle

    10 Popular steroids to be considered by beginners thinking about using or stacking steroids in a cycle whether for bulking phase or cutting. Just a brief personal observation of each anabolic and androgenic steroid, oral and injectable 1.testosterone- All around, testosterone should be at...
  15. Presser

    Female Anavar Cycle Dosages

    Anavar for Women Most anabolic steroids are very hard on a woman’s body and cause a number of negative effects. The most common side effects of steroids in women are the development of masculine characteristics. These kinds of side effects can devastate a woman’s femininity. Unlike other...
  16. Presser

    Clenbuterol led to a significant increase in both lean mass and the lean/fat ratio.

    Clenbuterol increases lean muscle mass but not endurance Abstract Clenbuterol, a beta(2)-agonist with potent anabolic properties, has been shown to improve skeletal muscle function in healthy subjects, and in high doses, promotes cardiac recovery. In a small, randomized controlled study, we...
  17. Presser

    Pubmed Research Says Clenbuterol diminishes aerobic Performance through lower plasma

    Clenbuterol diminishes aerobic performance in horsesAbstract PURPOSE: The purpose of this 8-wk study was to examine the effect of therapeutic levels of clenbuterol on aerobic performance and hemodynamics associated with exercise. METHODS: Twenty-three unfit Standardbred mares were divided into...
  18. Presser

    PUBMED clenbuterol Abstract Review.

    Chronic administration of therapeutic levels of clenbuterol acts as a repartitioning agentAbstract The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of therapeutic levels of clenbuterol, with and without exercise training, on body composition. Twenty-three unfit Standardbred mares were divided...
  19. F

    Naps gear? Gp t3 Anyone have experience with it

    I've been looking into using nap gear and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the site or with gp t3/ gp clen
  20. Presser

    Anavar Cycle for Females. Oxandrolone and women equals Testosterone & Men!

    Anavar cycle for Women/FemaleIn the world of anabolic steroids, as testosterone is for men, so is Anavar for women, as it is the primary anabolic steroid for all female use. Unlike the vast majority of anabolic steroids, the Oxandrolone hormone that is Anavar can be used very safely without...