
  1. drtbear1967

    Overcoming Whole-Food Protein Limitations

    Overcoming Whole-Food Protein Limitations by Mike Arnold When analyzing the bodybuilding diet, there is one common denominator which takes priority above all else. Regardless of individual goals or variances in metabolism, its role remains central, around which everything else revolves. I am...
  2. C

    Post-Workout Shake Mistakes

    That big post-workout treat you just whipped up could be hurting your diet. Put the blender away and increase your diet success! A post-workout protein shake is the gold standard of recovery nutrition in the fitness community. What better way to jumpstart the muscle rebuilding and repair...
  3. Chocolate Rain

    WADA- Dietary Fat

    Fat is the primary fuel for light to moderate intensity exercise. Although fat is a valuable metabolic fuel for muscles during endurance exercise and performs many important functions in the body, no attempt should be made to consume more fat. With that said, some studies have shown, athletes...
  4. Masher59

    How much protein do you need to build muscle

    HOW MUCH PROTEIN DO YOU NEED TO BUILD MUSCLE? 0 How much protein do we need to build muscle? are you consuming enough to gain muscle? In this article we talk about how much you should be including in your dietWe all know that protein is one of the most important nutrients when it come to...
  5. Masher59

    7 Tips to get Wasted without wasting your Gains

    The science of binge drinking: 7 Tips to get wasted without wasting your gains Everything in life is better on drugs. Seriously. For every possible situation, from sex to studying for your finals, there’s a drug that will improve the experience. When it comes to nightlife, alcohol is the drug...
  6. akn

    Increase Muscle Size and Performance With More Sodium

    by Josh Hodnikd Sodium chloride, also known as table salt, has been linked to a number of health issues according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These health issues include: hypertension, heart disease, heart failure, stroke, edema, and kidney disease. One would think that any substance...