Hello friends
Im trying to get bpth a bulk cycle and a cutting cycle b4 summer hits.
Was going to run sus 250 eod in conjuntion w alphas paravolin and dbol at 30mgs. Ed for six weeks. Figured on runni g this bulk cycle for 12wks. Cruise for two months and cut up w winny orals tren acetate...
So I read a few older artlicles about some major numbers on never coming off. I never come off always blast and cruise. My question is, how many weeks do u blast and at what mg/wk. Now, how many weeks do you cruise and at what mg/wk. Of course im just talking test but if you have a cycle I...
I have decided to cruise and blast for another year or so, I have been on now for 6 months, I'd like to know what dose of test is best to cruise with while still making gains and also what hcg protocol you guys use?
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