
  1. drtbear1967

    Protein Intake

    One major component of a successful cut is ensuring optimal protein intake for maintaining lean mass. For experienced bodybuilders, this could mean increasing protein intake to 1.5g/lb of bodyweight to maximally maintain muscle mass during a cut. In addition, increasing protein intake can also...
  2. Ox 51

    Belichick Tired of Antonio Brown Questions

    Eric Edholm,Yahoo Sports•September 20, 2019 Bill Belichick didn’t quite break Ron Rivera’s record for shortest media conference of the week, but he came close. Facing numerous questions about Antonio Brown and his status with the New England Patriots, Belichick spoke for a little more than...
  3. H

    Side Back Pain Getting Worse Not Going

    The left hand side of my back (the trap area) has been 'paining' for about a week now. It is like a sore cut feeling that burns and stings. It erupts at night when I am lying down. I tried lying slant, doesn't help. I tried sleeping on that side, sleeping on the other side, doesn't help...
  4. drtbear1967

    Wife is down 75 pounds.

    I wanted to let you guys know about one of the hardest working ladies that I know. My wife. Over the last 15 years or so she has been slammed with one thing after another. The doctors kept putting her on more and more meds and she gained a lot of weight. Well last September, she said enough is...
  5. 1

    Melting points. And raw's quality.

    Since this sight helped me through my first homebrew I figured this would be the spot for this thread. Long story short. My first raws order had test enanthate and DHB plus ancillaries. Everything went well so I made a second order. The second order had numerous compounds. Well I live in one of...
  6. Muscle mechanic

    Mechanic's new cycle

    So got my labs and here they are... Stayed on DHB 525-700wk Primo E 450wk Mast E 200wk Test cyp 100mg wk Test prop 50mg MWF Hgh 3.3iu everyday to labs pinned after draw that morning. GW 10mg a day I took last pin of all 8 days before draw. I came in good. Lipids good. A1C good Liver good...
  7. 9

    Coach argues Artem Lobov should not be cut

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. drtbear1967

    Why you cut might not be working.

    It’s common for people to “bulk” in an effort to add some quality lean muscle mass to their frame. What generally tends to happen due to a surplus in calories to allow for muscle growth, a little body fat tends to be added as well. When it’s time to start your cut, many fail to see the results...
  9. Ox 51

    Titans Cut Receiver Who Dropped Wide Open Pass

    Titans cut Nick Williams, who dropped possible game-winning touchdown on Sunday Shalise Manza Young,Yahoo Sports•October 10, 2018 On Sunday, Nick Williams let a sure fourth-quarter touchdown go through his arms. On Tuesday, Williams was released, the transaction unceremoniously posted on...
  10. Presser

    Back Online ! Very Sorry For The Sudden Loss of Service

    [*=left]<center>Our Offshore Server Provider Experienced A Fiber Cut Which Has Finally Been Repaired</center> <center>We Apologize For The Sudden Extended Downtime Which Has Never Happened Before! </center> <center>My Sincere Apologies</center> <center>Thank You</center>
  11. Presser

    Back Online ! Very Sorry For The Sudden Loss of Service

    [*=left]<center>Our Offshore Server Provider Experienced A Fiber Cut Which Has Finally Been Repaired</center> <center>We Apologize For The Sudden Extended Downtime Which Has Never Happened Before! </center> <center>My Sincere Apologies</center> <center>Thank You</center>
  12. Presser

    Back Online ! Very Sorry For The Sudden Loss of Service

    [*=left]<center>Our Offshore Server Provider Experienced A Fiber Cut Which Has Finally Been Repaired</center> <center>We Apologize For The Sudden Extended Downtime Which Has Never Happened Before! </center> <center>My Sincere Apologies</center> <center>Thank You</center>
  13. Musclebeauty

    Hello from Aurora, Ontario

    Hey guys and gals so I thought I would share a little bit of where I've come from in my transition*not to get into too much personal details but I would say about 20 years ago I was actually married and in a very toxic, controlling and veryone sided dominant marriage my ex-husband was...
  14. D

    LGD results

    Just wanted to post on some results. I had ordered a lot of ligandrol from musclechemistry while back. Went up to 12mg day while bulking. When eating a lot of food it gave me results similar to dbol. I dont gain 20 lbs off shop like some do....and ligandrol didnt do it either. But it did add...
  15. D

    LGD results

    Just wanted to post on some results. I had ordered a lot of ligandrol from musclechemistry while back. Went up to 12mg day while bulking. When eating a lot of food it gave me results similar to dbol. I dont gain 20 lbs off shop like some do....and ligandrol didnt do it either. But it did add...
  16. Presser


    <figure class="entry-thumbnail" style="margin: 0px 0px 1.25rem; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 14px; line-height: inherit; font-family: Orienta, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; max-width: 1030px...
  17. drtbear1967

    Supplements For Hard to Burn Fat

    No supplement will ignite the fat burning switch alone. You need to handle your business in the kitchen and gym first. But I'd be lying if I said supplements weren't a key component when it comes to eliminating trouble spots. You need the training (flames) and a caloric deficit (fuel), but...
  18. Presser

    Mens Physique 8 Week Contest Prep Cycle. Bromocriptine Not Suggested

    8 week precontest cut cycle that includes: Test Prop 75mg ED Tren Ace 50mg ED Winny (looking at last 4 weeks, 40 - 50mg ED) Adex (0.5mg EOD, possibly ED or trading out for Aromasin or Letro if it will help cut down on potential gyno on stage) Bromocriptine (I need to find my spreadsheet for...
  19. D

    Hemoglobin question

    When does it become dangerous to have high hemoglobin? I donated today and I was at 19.3 the Red Cross said the cut off is 20. I’ve heard that testosterone raises it however I’ve been the same range with a test level of 299 or 1400
  20. 9

    10 Young Careers Cut Short in MMA

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>