
  1. Iron Game

    The Science Of Dbol (Methandrostenolone) - How Exactly Does It Work?

    Dianabol Explained by Mike Arnold Perhaps no other steroid has attained such a degree of notoriety, as has the famed Dianabol. Even today, over 50 years after its introduction to American athletes, and after the immergence of hundreds of other performance enhancing drugs, its use is still as...
  2. Iron Game

    The REAL History Of Dbol, Dianabol.

    The REAL History Of Dbol One of the most enduring myths in the history of anabolic steroids is the belief that Dr. John Ziegler created Dianabol. The truth is that Ziegler had nothing to do with the invention of Dianabol. The real inventors were organic chemists working in a laboratory half...
  3. Presser

    Dianabol , Anabol, Methandienone and how it works

    Anabol aka Dianabol is an oral steroid that generally comes in 5mg tab or pill form, as well as in Liquid Form. Dianabol whether in pill form or liquid form promotes Protein Synthesis at an extremely high rate as well as promoting a Positive Nitrogen Balance extremely important for building...
  4. Mountain_Man

    Mbp dbol and Sust 250'

    So pretty And work ecellent - - - Updated - - - Sorry that is the Anavar 25 very high quality stuff
  5. Iron Game

    Nandrolone PhenylPropionate (NPP) Explained

    NPP was never really all that popular simply because of availability issues. Many of the pharmacy grade NPP products range between 25mg-50mg/ml and are extremely expensive. Naturally, this limited its use among the bodybuilding crowd. Mexico and the underground did not bother producing it. The...
  6. Iron Game


    ANABOLIC RESEARCH - ANALYZING THE RICH PIANA CYCLE Written by William Llewellyn 984 Anabolic Research - Analyzing the Rich Piana Cycle THE PIANA CYCLE I’ve received many questions over the lately about “The Piana Cycle.” For those unfamiliar, Rich Piana is an amateur bodybuilder and...
  7. TravisBLKMACH

    Cycle Progress and Review

    I just finished up an 18 week cycle and wanted to share my progress. Overall very pleased with this cycle as each one has been a new learning experience. My last cycle only ran 12 weeks where I was still making gains, so I decided to run this one a bit longer. I ran - weeks 1 and 2 : sust 250...
  8. Iron Game

    Primobolan - The Ultimate Steroid? I think yes!

    Pharmaceutical Name: Methenolone Enanthate Effective dose: 200-800 mg/week injections Average Street-price: $12-$16 Available Doses: 100mg/1ml ampoules by Schering, Turkey Primobolan Depot is an extremely effective steroid that's earned its respect as the safest injectable steroid. It's the...
  9. Dean Destructo

    Actual Double Blind 6 week / 100mg a day Dbol experiment!

    Effects of methandienone on the performance and body composition of men undergoing athletic training. 1. In a previous study of the effects of methandienone (Dianabol) on men undergoing athletic training, strength and performance increased, but not significantly more when the subjects were...
  10. Iron Game

    A comprehensive look at modern steroid cycling

    A comprehensive look at modern steroid cycling If you use a long ester such as deca at xmg/week, it will take you 4-5 weeks to build up to max blood concentrations possible for xmg/week. So half of your cycle is not wasted, but you are not maximizing efficiency. When coming off a cycle, the...
  11. nbhuge

    Minimum amount of Test on Deca and Oral cycle

    What is the Minimum amount of Test required with a Deca Dbol cycle? 600mg/week Deca Dbol 50mg/day Is it the same as TRT for a minimum?
  12. Dean Destructo

    16 Week Test and Dbol Cycle log.

    Disclaimer: I do not condone AAS use and everything that follows is fictional. :rolleyes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cycle: Test 250mg x2 Week for 16 weeks Dbol 4-6 week kickstart 40-60mg day Ancillaries: Nolvadex (as needed)...
  13. A


    I have the following steroids/AIs and PCT. I was wondering how i was going to make a course as my seller threw a curveball at me and gave me proviroX instead of nolvadex! I have... T400 x 2 10ml bottles 100 x 10mg dianbol 50 x 25mg provironX Clomid Arimidex x 14 1mg HCG 5000iu powder form...
  14. Dean Destructo

    Another HCG Post

    This is a post I cam across on another forum and several people marked it as a good post and a plausible statement. Here is the post: Shutdpown. IE: you are no longer producing your own test. Well for dbol most guys will tell you that they get an increase in libido for the first few weeks so...
  15. Dean Destructo

    Magic Dbol number.

    What is your favorite dbol dosage? Mine is the 40-60 range, depending on where it comes from.
  16. Mountain_Man

    Big overstock sale on tren ace and dbol

    Contact me or jotler for info I'm telling u don't miss out boys.
  17. Iron Game

    2 Week Oral Cycles Using Dbol and Anavar

    By Bill Roberts Q: I am very interested in your 2 on 2/4 off cycles since I hate long PCT and protracted recoveries. The compounds I mostly look at are Anadrol, Dianabol, and Anavar. In an oral only cycle should I run 50-100mgs Anadrol or 50mgs Dianabol per day along with 50mgs Anavar or would...
  18. D

    Test E + Dbol 10 week cycle

    I'm finishing up my cycle of MC IGF-Lr3, and planning to start a Test cycle on June 1st. In the past I've only used Sust 250 and knew nothing about PCT (Young & dumb). After months of research, I've decided on a 10 week Test-E cycle with a 4 week Dbol kickstart. I'll have HCG on hand as well...
  19. Boomer

    Winter vs Summer Steroid cycles

    Do people even consider the weather anymore when it comes to cycling...half the guys in my gym are either lean all year round or puffy dbol only cycles year round...we are comming into winter hear in Aus and i was wondering how i should plan my winter cycle... i wanted to try tren for the 1st...
  20. D

    Adding a compound to a cycle...

    Hey guys I'm wanting to add another compound to my cycle. My goal is to blow up quick (I'm having surgery in September and doc wants me to have decent size on my shoulder). I'm not a noob I have a few cycles under my belt but I want to add something to push this cycle over the crappy slow gains...