
  1. Iron Game


    Buying Anabolic Steroids - Watch Out for Counterfeits About a year and a half ago, Public Health Wales, which runs the WEDINOS project, released a report on the state of the black market. WEDINOS is short for Welsh Emerging Drugs and Identification of Novel Substances. They had collected...
  2. Iron Game


    ANABOLIC RESEARCH - ANALYZING THE RICH PIANA CYCLE Written by William Llewellyn 984 Anabolic Research - Analyzing the Rich Piana Cycle THE PIANA CYCLE I’ve received many questions over the lately about “The Piana Cycle.” For those unfamiliar, Rich Piana is an amateur bodybuilder and...
  3. Dean Destructo

    Fundamental understanding of drug absorption from a parenteral oil depot.

    Oil depots are parenteral drug formulations meant for sustained release of lipophilic compounds. Until now, a comprehensive understanding of the mechanism of drug absorption from oil depots is lacking. The aim of this paper was to fill this gap. A clinical study with healthy volunteers was...
  4. 3J

    Comprehensive Guide to Steroids, Nutrition, and Training by 3J

    Comprehensive Guide to Steroids, Nutrition, and Training by 3J Diet, training, and steroids; they all play an integral role in muscle building. But so many people are completely lost when they try to take the plunge into bodybuilding. With years of experience on bodybuilding...
  5. Iron Game

    Sustanon And It’s Use

    Sustanon And It’s Use Sustanon. Every BBer in the world knows the name. Every “noob” has to try it. But is it a good choice for BBers? Not really. Unless you know what you’re doing and even then you would likely have better and more stable results with less expensive and easier to maintain...
  6. Dean Destructo

    Testosterone Esters and Half-life

    Esters and Half-lifeMethyl-testosterone (active half-life 6-9 hours) Methyl-testosterone does not have an ester, but rather it is methylated for oral use and it is the oldest known oral steroid made. Methyl-testosterone was originally used as a prescription drug to treat men with low...
  7. Iron Game

    Does Nandrolone Aromatize Into An Estrogen?

    Written by Dan Gwartney, MD Most anabolic steroid (AAS) users are not extreme in their practices. While people find it interesting to discuss the cycles of professional athletes, amazed by the number and amount of drugs used to achieve elite levels of mass and power, the common user tends to...
  8. IronJulius

    Pharmacom Deca 300 Simec lab test results

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding: 40px 40px 0px;">Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Nan D300 Lab Test Results </header>Pharmacom Labs PHARMA Nan D300 is presented in a 10-milliliter multidose vial and reportedly contains 300 milligrams of nandrolone decanoate (aka Deca...
  9. Iron Game

    Testosterone Undecanoate: Big Gains or Big Pain?

    By Dan Gwartney, M.D. Testosterone Undecanoate: Big Gains or Big Pain? Nearly every recreational user of anabolic steroids (AAS) accepts the legal and health risks in order to improve his quality of life— a more impressive physique, greater confidence, or a competitive edge. Yet, despite...

    June specials for LANDMARK DAY!

    Hey guys! Good news here! LANDMARK DAY is coming and big discounts are waiting for you! :cardio: 1. Landmark Day (8th, 18th, 28th) Discount: order amount in May×5%×order amount in June×0.1% (Max $100) For example: Your order in the last month: USD2000 Your order in this month: USD1000 You...
  11. Iron Game


    GENE EXPRESSION IN TENDS/COLLAGEN AFTER HEAVY AAS USE Researchers in the European Journal of Applied Physiology examined how heavy use of the anabolic steroid Deca-Durabolin affected collagen strength in rats. The rats were separated into two groups: natural training and training with heavy...
  12. Iron Game

    The Facts and everything you need to know about using steroids.---AGAIN

    The Facts and everything you need to know about using steroids. It has long been my goal to demonstrate that steroid use cannot only occur without causing any harm, it can actually benefit us in lengthening our life-span and increasing our quality of life. Since in essence, steroids have never...
  13. Iron Game

    Limp Dick - Deca

    Limp Dick - Deca A few words on deca and impotence... I would place an estimated guess that 90% of deca users experience some sexual dysfunction from nandrolones. That includes all esters, decanoate being the worst. Most already understand that nandrolones are a strong stimulator of the...
  14. Iron Game

    PED use over 40

    Mike Arnold jut put out an article about PED use over 40. This is a worth while subject. As we age our ability to process and tolerate these compounds changes. Some compounds that we use sort of drop off the list. I would say even if a trainer is over 40 or over 50 and still is willing to...
  15. Iron Game

    Half Life of Anabolic Steroids and other PEDs - Another

    Bill Philips Q: “I would like to know the real half lives of the most popular anabolic steroids, T3, clenbuterol, and anti-estrogens. Can you post the half lives, because there are so many different half-lives in the Internet?” A: It’s common for published values to be different, because...
  16. Iron Game

    Q: Is “Deca Dick” caused by increased prolactin levels from nandrolone decanoate?

    Q: Is “Deca Dick” caused by increased prolactin levels from nandrolone decanoate? A: The problem with this is that it is from no evidence. It’s the kind of statement that if true would be quite provable: prolactin is measurable. The one study I’ve read that reported prolactin levels with...
  17. Iron Game

    Using Steroids - 40 and Over- Deca, Testosterone, ETC

    Using Steroids - 40 and Over Let’s face it. At around 40 we all start to see signs of aging. It can’t be denied any longer at that point. You aren’t ready to be old. Some of us have been athletes all of our lives and are not ready to be fat and happy sitting in a sports bar watching ball on a...
  18. Iron Game

    Myths & Misinformation - Deca, Winny & Your Joints

    Deca, Winny & Your Joints - Myths & Misinformation I’ve been somewhat plagued by certain questions ever since I started reading about steroids a decade ago. Certain ideas just never sat well with me…and unfortunately, when I asked more questions, I only received similar answers. When I was...
  19. Iron Game

    How to Use Sustanon 250

    Sustanon 250, whether as the trademarked Schering brand or as another product using the same name, is one of the most popular types of anabolic steroids. Unlike most other steroid injectables, Sustanon comprises a mixture of esters. Specifically, each ampule or mL contains testosterone...
  20. Masher59

    Female Steroid Information and Cycles.

    <header class="entry-header" style="margin: 0px 0px 1.71429rem; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 14px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: 'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 14px;">Female Steroid Cycles </header>Introduction to Female Steroid...